10 pros of eating organic we bet you didn’t know

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  • Plus, two experts share which foods are worth buying organic and which, well, aren’t.

    If you didn’t already know, September marks Organic September, a full month dedicated to celebrating organic food, beauty, clothing, and more. I’m not sure what the benefits of organic food really are.? Sit back – we’ve asked the pros and picked their brains on how to do it on a budget.

    Consumer demand for organic food and beverages is booming, or so says Clare McDermott, director of business development for Soil Association Certification. “The organic market is thriving and is now worth £ 2.79bn, having grown 12.5% ​​in 2020, which is significantly higher than non-organic at 8.9%.”

    Consider this year’s organic September to be the biggest and boldest of all time. “The organic food and beverage industry is celebrating unprecedented growth as more consumers seek assurances about the provenance and quality of their food and beverages,” McDermott explains.

    Do you want to know why organic foods are worth paying more and which are not so important? Keep scrolling and don’t miss our guides on green washing, sustainable living, and fast fashion while you’re here.

    So what is organic food?

    The Soil Association defines organic as: “Food production that aims to produce sufficient quantities of high-quality food using methods that provide a wide range of benefits across our entire food system, from people to the planet, from the health of plants to animal welfare. “

    According to their website, a food can only be certified organic if farmers don’t use the following:

    • Synthetics (artificial substances)
    • GMO
    • Wastewater for fertilizers
    • Radiation.

    Farmers should also:

    • Use natural fertilizers
    • Rotate parcels of agricultural products
    • Use only non-toxic pesticides.

    “Non-organic foods, on the other hand, are grown and produced using methods that could be considered unethical,” explains Simone Thomas, lead nutrition consultant for Simone Thomas Wellness.

    Please note here: There is currently no legal framework governing organic beauty and wellness products like there is for food and drink, McDermott explains. “It is important to look for the logo when buying products to make sure what you choose has been certified organic.”

    Benefits of organic food: an organic food store for women

    Why is it important to eat organic food?

    Because, in summary, research shows that consuming primarily organic foods can be beneficial for both the body and the environment.

    • Organic Food Contains Fewer Pesticides: “It’s the best way to reduce your exposure to pesticides,” explains Thomas. “Some pesticide residues remain on food despite washing and cooking.”
    • Organic food respects the standards of animal welfare: When it comes to eating meat, some people opt for organic meat due to the high standards of animal welfare and the greatly reduced use of antibiotics in organic farming. “Organic farmers only use antibiotics as a last resort,” shared McDermott. “The highest standards of the Soil Association also completely prohibit the use of certain antibiotics, such as Colistin, which is vitally important to human health.”
    • Organic foods are minimally processed: To state the obvious, organic foods are far less processed than their non-organic counterparts and contain no harmful additives or preservatives.
    • Organic foods contain more antioxidants: According to Thomas, a six-year study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that organic onions had about 20% more antioxidant content than conventionally grown onions. Nothing bad.
    • Organic foods contain healthier fats: Similarly, a 2016 study in the British Journal of Nutrition found that organic meat and milk have about 50% more omega-3 fatty acids, a type of healthy unsaturated fat, shares the nutrition advisor.
    • Organic food is better for the environment: Organic farming helps fight climate change, McDermott shares: It is known to be more energy efficient and its carbon footprint is significantly lower than more intensive agriculture, which means less CO2 reaches the atmosphere. “Not only that, but organic food and drinks are produced in a way that benefits nature; for example, organic farms host, on average, up to 50% more wildlife and 30% more wildlife species, which means buying organic products is like casting a vote in favor of nature and biodiversity ” , keep going.

    Organic Food Benefits - Directly Above Photo of Fresh Organic Vegetables in Basket on Table at Farmers Market

    18 foods that do needs to be organic

    Many of us wonder if it is better to switch to organic products, especially when considering the cost of organic food, which can be expensive for a growing family. “Whenever possible, I say always eat organic,” shares Thomas. “Non-organic produce has likely been sprayed with pesticides, leaving toxic byproducts that often cannot be removed by washing, scrubbing or peeling.”

    However, if you just can’t afford to buy everything organic, choose the following:

    • Strawberries: “These are one of the foods most contaminated with pesticides,” explains Thomas.
    • Spinach: another one that contains many pesticides, so you should always buy organic ”, he continues.
    • Greens: think kale and mustard greens
    • Fruits: think of nectarines, apples, pears, grapes, and cherries.
    • Peppers
    • Celery
    • Tomatoes.

    McDermott also recommends going organic with:

    • Carrots
    • Bananas
    • Tea
    • Eggs
    • Yogurt
    • Milk.

    Organic Food Benefits: Person holding a handful of tomatoes.

    9 foods that no needs to be organic

    Want to save a few pennies? While the above are the foods most contaminated with pesticides, the following are not, that is, they are known to not contain as many pesticides and thus can give you peace of mind in knowing that you are not consuming large amounts of the bad stuff. .

    • Avocado
    • Sweet corn
    • Onions
    • Asparagus
    • Broccoli
    • Cauliflower
    • Pineapple
    • Mushrooms
    • Cantaloupe.

    Benefits of eating organic food: young woman holding bread with plate of vegan pasta

    Where can I buy organic food?

    You can find organic versions of most products today, and all the major retailers have a good selection of organic products, so it’s a breeze. “Organic vegetables and staples like rice, pasta and milk are often the same price or not much more than non-organic ones, actually,” McDermott explains.

    Try this: Opt for an organic box scheme, advises the professional. “It’s a very cost-effective way to get delicious, seasonal, organic veggies delivered right to your doorstep, which is convenient too.”

    Keep in mind here: Buying any organic food really makes a difference, or so McDermott says. “The important thing is that it is not necessary to change to a 100% organic diet,” he emphasizes. His advice? “Choose the things you buy the most, carrots for example or bananas, milk or yogurt, all of which are readily available. Every time you choose organic, you are making a decision that is better for the planet and for your health. “