8 Clever Ways to Eat Organic Food on a Tight Budget

buy organic food

In an ideal world, eating organic food should be the norm. How else would you be against consuming foods that do not contain preservatives, artificial additives, and even harmful pesticides?

Unfortunately, this is easier said than done. The reality is that organic food is more expensive than conventional food. Why? For the following reasons:

  • Larger labor inputs with lower returns
  • Limited supply of organic food compared to demand
  • Postharvest handling costs, including separation of conventionally produced foods for processing and transportation.
  • Marketing inefficiencies due to lower volumes

As such, many people tend to avoid organic foods to avoid racking up expensive bills.

However, that doesn’t mean you should give up the idea of ​​buying organic food entirely. There are numerous ways to do this without hurting your food budget.

Here are our top tips for paying for organic food on a tight budget:

Cut down on meat

Cut down on meat: buy organic on a budget

Eating meat is, of course, an expensive affair. However, it doesn’t have to be a daily meal. Cutting down on meat and increasing your intake of vegetables is not healthy for your body, but it will also save you money.

If you are still convinced to consume meat, you can opt for different cuts of meat as an alternative. These cuts of meat are less expensive and more nutritious, be it chuck, brisket or sirloin. They may take time to cook, but conventional meat will be worth substituting.

Consider switching to plant-based meats as well to cut your food budget. Because they are produced from widely available grains, plant-based meats tend to be less expensive and healthier in the long run.

Buy in bulk

Bulk purchase items tend to be cheaper, as most cost less than the typical package. In other words, if you’re not taking advantage of “buy one get one free” sales, you’re missing out on a lot of savings.

However, just because something is on sale doesn’t mean you should buy it. If you don’t really need it, buying it in bulk would only create waste. You only compound the problem by taking money out of your pockets that you could have used for the food you really need.

When buying in bulk, eat dry foods or vegetables that have a long shelf life, such as carrots, onions, or potatoes. You can also buy larger cuts of meat and freeze the portions for later use.

Grow your own

buy organic food or grow your own

Growing your organic produce will save you a lot of money on vegetables. And you don’t need a big garden to grow your food.

You can use flower pots, which take up minimal space, to grow your favorite vegetables. Herbs can be a good place to start, given how expensive they are to buy at the grocery store.

Besides flower pots, you can also grow your produce on window sills or on the porch. Better yet, you can opt for a raised bed, suitable for stacking a lot of vegetables in a small space.

Check out our guides here on how to start gardening:

Buy seasonal products

Buying any product, much less organic, is usually cheaper when it is in season. This is due to its abundance and the fact that it has not been shipped to the other side of the world.

The great thing about organic seasonal produce is that they are cheaper, fresher, and more nutritious.

If you’re not sure when your favorite organic produce is in season, you can check out various seasonal produce guides online to stay informed.

Reduce food waste

avoid food waste

According to the research, Americans waste around 150,000 tons of food each day, roughly one pound of food per person. Even more surprising is the fact that fruits and vegetables make up much of this waste.

There are many ways to avoid this food waste and spoilage. Make sure you have fully used your old products before making another purchase. Speaking of shopping, avoid overselling – buy only the organic foods that you really need.

Keep all perishable items in the freezer and non-perishable items in a clean, dry place.

Consider organic frozen foods

Under any circumstance, it will be argued that fresh vegetables are healthier than frozen ones. However, that’s not necessarily the case, as frozen fruits and vegetables are just as healthy and nutritious as their fresh counterparts.

Frozen products are harvested and frozen at peak harvest, thus preserving their nutritional value instantly. In contrast, fresh vegetables lose some nutrients over time as they are transported long distances to stores.

So next time you go to the grocery store, keep an eye out for frozen or canned foods.

Create or join an organic food cooperative

farmers markets: buy cheap organic food

If you want to be healthy on a budget, try community food cooperatives. They are more like grocery stores owned by a network of people. By subscribing to one, you will have access to a wide range of healthy foods at reduced prices.

They are also a great way to discover new products that you may not be familiar with. How do you find a food cooperative near you? Just do a quick search on the internet or use online directories.

Shop wisely

Of course, avoid supermarkets! They like to sell organic food at high prices compared to farmers markets. When you buy organic food at farmers markets, you are assured of getting organic produce that is fresh and cheaper than what you would get at supermarkets.

Products at the farmers market come directly from the source and are sold the same day they are harvested. It is tasty and highly nutritious, which makes it a sweet bargain.

Additionally, shopping at farmers markets helps keep smaller farms in business and contributes to a healthy and sustainable environment.

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