Danes prefer farmed salmon over wild-caught, blind tasting reveals

Denmark’s official dietary guidelines recommend that its citizens eat less meat and instead opt for legumes and fish. Three hundred and fifty grams of fish per week is recommended, of which 200 grams should be “fatty fish”, such as salmon.

Smoked salmon is a favorite among the Danes. However, not all salmon are the same. With some farmed and some wild-caught, which ones do consumers prefer?

A blind taste test conducted by the University of Copenhagen sought to find out.

Suspicious findings

The researchers recruited 92 Danes between the ages of 18 and 65 and asked them to test samples of conventional, organic and wild smoked salmon.

In the first round, the participants did not know which salmon was which. For the next round, the participants were told which salmon had been produced according to which production method.

Monty Rakusen salmon

Salmon is a favorite among the Danes, but not all salmon are created equal. GettyImages / Monty Rakusen

Conventional and organic salmon were the clear winners in the blind taste test. Among the two preferred by Danish consumers, conventionally farmed salmon tended to be liked more than organic.

However, in the second round, the results changed dramatically, with conventional salmon in last place. Organics ranked first, followed by wild-caught.

“The test shows that people’s expectations of a product are based on the information they receive and that this affects their overall taste experience. With smoked salmon, there seems to be a perception that wild salmon should taste better than conventional farmed salmon. ” Said the study’s lead author, Mausam Budhathoki.
