How and when to fertilise rose plants

Roses are one of the most popular flowers in the world – the fragrant multi-petal beauties come in a variety of shades and sizes, making them perfect for just about any celebration or centerpiece arrangement. Despite their popularity, roses have a reputation for being difficult to handle; They are large feeders, which means that they require a significant amount of nutrients and frequent fertilization. “The three main nutrients roses need from fertilizers are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium,” says Kristen Smith, plant coordinator and rose product manager at Star® Roses and Plants. He also notes that roses require a variety of micronutrients, including iron, calcium, and magnesium. When given a fertilizer with the necessary elements, the flowering shrub is quite easy to care for and will produce large, beautiful flowers year after year.

There are a few types of fertilizers for roses.

In addition to containing the key nutrients and micronutrients mentioned above, the rose fertilizer should have a pH of about six to seven, Smith says. “A pH outside this ideal range will make it more difficult for the rose to absorb certain nutrients, even if the soil is rich in nutrients,” he adds. You will also find a few different iterations when you shop, as rose fertilizer comes in various forms. There is liquid fertilizer, which is often used in the first year (less likely to burn new roots), explains Jimmy Speas, president of the Winston-Salem Rose Society; This is also useful in times of drought or summer, when the heat can warm the soil or plants quickly. Liquid fertilizer can be applied as often as up to two weeks during the growing season, but be sure to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for quantity and frequency. Beyond liquids, Smith says there are also granulated or slow-release foods, which can be added once at the beginning of the season and will continuously release fertilizer into the soil over a longer period of time.

You will find organic and non-organic options.

Credit: David Bartus / Pexels

Liquid and granular fertilizers come in organic and non-organic formulas. “Organic fertilizer comes from naturally occurring sources like manure, fish emulsion, bone meal, or compost,” says Smith. “Inorganic fertilizers are man-made from synthetic chemicals.” Although each contains the necessary nutrients roses need to flourish, Speas is a fan of organic options. “Organics feed the microorganisms that allow the roses to use the nutrients in the soil as food,” he explains. This, in turn, improves bloom color and reduces the risk of root and leaf burns. Synthetic options, on the other hand, are generally offered at a lower price and require less frequent application; they are more concentrated than organic offerings. To avoid root burns, it’s best to add non-organic fertilizers to moist soil rather than dry soil, but follow the manufacturer’s label for step-by-step instructions.

Have your soil analyzed

Many companies offer rose fertilizers that come in a 10-10-10 ratio of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium, Speas explains. However, he recommends doing a soil test before deciding on a formula. Doing so will let you know if your soil needs more or less of the required nutrient. “If a soil test says that your nitrogen level is good but your phosphorus and potassium can use more, there are 5-10-10 or 10-20-20, which means that nitrogen is half the amount that another two, ”he says. Speas also notes that if you can’t find a rose fertilizer with the specific percentage your soil needs, look for one that lists the other nutrients in a lower concentration than you need.

This is how and when to fertilize roses

When it comes to fertilizing roses, Speas says growers should “focus on what happens below the ground rather than what happens above,” noting that forming a strong root system is key to successful flowering. Newly planted shrubs need fertilizers high in phosphorus, which promote root growth, more than they need nitrogen-rich foods. Established roses won’t need to be fertilized until early spring when they start to come out – wait until you see about six inches of new growth to start. If the roses are very dry, water them first before feeding; Smith says this will prevent the flower from absorbing nutrients too quickly. Fertilize the perennial regularly throughout its growing season (approximately every two to four weeks, depending on the type of fertilizer used). Stop feeding your roses in late summer when they begin to prepare for winter slumber. “Fertilizing at the end of the season can promote unnecessary tender new growth that can be damaged by the cold spells of fall,” explains Smith. “This damaged growth may be susceptible to further pest damage.” However, you can add organic produce like compost or rotten manure as fertilizer during winter when the roses are dormant.

Our top fertilizer picks

There are many rose fertilizers to choose from, but to help you cut down on the noise, you asked our experts to share their favorites. Speas says many growers use Mills Magic. The 100 percent natural product was formulated by Ted Mills, an accredited rosary consultant and rose show judge for the American Rose Society. The blend features a combination of alfalfa flour, blood meal, fermented citrus peels, cottonseed meal, feather meal, bone meal, and potash-magnesia sulfate. Another great option is organic fertilizer for roses and flowers.. The special blend is derived from natural ingredients and provides roses with all three essential nutrients, as well as trace elements for healthy plants. For a liquid fertilizer, we recommend Neptune Harvest Fish Fertilizer.. It contains all the macronutrients found naturally in fish and is made through a process that protects the vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, and growth hormones necessary to develop beautiful flowers.

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