Stanford Organic Food Study Makes Waves – Mother Earth News

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Photo from Fotolia / Subbotina Anna

Conventional strawberries are known to contain pesticide residues. Does that make them significantly less healthy for us to eat?

Are organic foods healthier? Are they worth the extra money? Following a free media gathering around a study conducted in September 2012 by researchers at Stanford University, many people were left asking these questions.

While Stanford’s findings noted that organic foods can reduce the risk of pesticide exposure by 30 percent, many media outlets focused on the part of the study that concluded there is no significant health benefits that you get by eating organic products. Shortly after the first round of articles and blog posts arrived, a second round appeared, this time comprised of passionate rebuttals to the Stanford study.

Read this collection of responses from sustainable food advocates, in the article, A Collection of Responses to the Stanford Organic Food Study: Organic Food Pays Off.

Posted on Mar 14 Of 2013