Hey New Jersey, is the current COVID surge stressing you out?

Almost two years after the pandemic began, new COVID cases and hospitalizations are on the rise once again in New Jersey.

Rachel Strohl, a senior psychologist at Stress and Anxiety Services of New Jersey, said that while everyone is tired of interruptions, an increasing number of Garden State residents are also struggling with anxiety, anger and depression.

“It’s really important that we validate and normalize those feelings right now. People feel lonely and it is important that we tell them that they are not alone, “he said.

He noted that since we continually face different types of pandemic challenges, it is important to plan for self-care and coping while accepting the uncertainty of the situation.

“If we can exist in that uncertainty it really frees us more, and so we stop trying to eliminate it. Anxiety is an overestimation of risk and truly an underestimation of our ability to cope, ”he said.

Personal care is key

Strohl said that self-care can look very different to many people.

“For some people, it’s basic stress management, it’s relaxation, it’s exercising, meditating, moderating sleep, eating,” he said.

For others, “it could depend on their religion or spirituality, it could be connecting with friends in a safe way.”

He said this can also be a time to “go back to the things we really liked: sit a little more in our pajamas, not go out as much, spend more time with our family playing board games, cooking.”

What if that is not enough?

Strohl said that for some, self-care is enough to relieve anxiety and stress, but if not, there is professional help.

“Are we doing some kind of unhealthy behavior, like consuming some kind of alcohol, substance abuse, drugs? That won’t help us, it will be a short-term escape. “

Prepare your mental health for winter

Strohl said this is a good time for everyone to “winterize” their mental health.

And that means getting creative with outdoor activities, maybe gathering with friends or family around a campfire, turning off those heat lamps. You could go ice skating or snow tubing, ”he said.

She said that a productive approach to dealing with a variety of problems is cognitive therapy.

“We know that our thoughts lead to our feelings and behaviors and we want to make sure that the most important thing is that those thoughts are realistic and accurate,” Strohl said.

He explained that it’s not about encouraging someone to think positively, but more realistically.

You can contact reporter David Matthau at David.Matthau@townsquaremedia.com.

LOOK: History of food from the year you were born

From product innovations to major recalls, Stacker investigated what happened in food history every year since 1921, according to government news and sources.

New Jersey teachers and educators caught in sex crime raids

In recent years, state lawmakers have taken up the challenge of dealing with accused child predators among the ranks of teachers and educators.

In 2018, a so-called “pass the trash” law went into effect, requiring stricter school background checks in New Jersey related to child abuse and sexual misconduct.

The following individuals were arrested over the past few years. Some have been convicted and sentenced to prison, while others have accepted parole agreements.

Other cases are still pending, including some court delays amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
