Workers are hoping to unionize the first Starbucks in NJ

HOPEWELL CITY (Mercer) – A New Jersey Starbucks could be the first in the state to have its workforce unionized.

Two of the coffee chain’s stores in suburban Buffalo voted to form unions and more in Boston and Cleveland are considering it over safety and staffing concerns during the pandemic. A letter from the union’s organizing committee at the Route 31 store in Hopewell expresses similar concerns.

In a letter to Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson, Starbucks Workers United mourns the loss of being able to develop relationships with their customers through ongoing conversations and knowing them so well that their drink is ready for them when they walk through the door.

“Instead, what they’ve been getting more often lately is a rushed order from a team of baristas struggling to balance an unreasonable amount of tasks at the same time. They’ve encouraged us to build connections in our communities, but they aren’t. making”. sharing with us the means to do so, “the committee says in the letter.

Pro-union pins sit at a table during a party to observe the Starbucks employee union elections in Buffalo (AP Photo / Joshua Bessex, File)

Starbucks opposes unions

The letter includes a section entitled “Non-interference and fair electoral practices for the unionization of members” that allows the same activity of the organizers if the company addresses the organization.

If the company publishes anti-union material in the store, organizers say they can post anti-union material. Organizers say they can also hold a meeting during company business hours to discuss unionization if management also holds a meeting during business hours.

The 50-year-old company has actively fought unionization for decades, saying its more than 8,000 company-owned American stores perform best when they work directly with employees.

Hopewell organizer Sara Mughal told that her calls to a “member resource hotline” to express concerns about the store’s security did not get any action.

A union organizer at a suburban Buffalo store said the company tried to intimidate workers into not joining a union.

Dozens of managers were dispatched to oppose the efforts in individual and group meetings with employees, according to the documents. Workers were told they could lose benefits under a union, and pro-union employees were spied on and saw their hours changed and hours reduced, the union said.

“These claims are extremely inaccurate. We do not engage or engage in intimidation tactics, “Starbucks responded in a statement. “We are partners and we show ourselves for each other. That is what we do and what we continue to do ”.

(Includes material copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, transmitted, rewritten or redistributed)

Contact reporter Dan Alexander at or via Twitter @DanAlexanderNJ

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