‘We’ve seen a lot of retailers pull back tremendously [from fresh baby food]’

According to Regina Lee Fechter, vice president of innovation and e-commerce at Happy Family Organics, which makes non-perishable products for pregnant mothers and babies to infants, toddlers and toddlers, the overall fresh baby food market has not performed as well as some retailers and gamers in the space may have waited.

“We’ve seen a lot of retailers back off hugely … they weren’t getting those incremental sales from the fridges, because they actually had to discontinue so much space.To [to make room for fresh baby food brands] and then people didn’t necessarily want to pay the premium price points. “Fechter told FoodNavigator-USA, referring to some retailers that tried and decided not to expand the pilots of aisle refrigerators designated for baby food.

Fresh Bellies decided to discontinue fresh baby food entirely and focus solely on children’s snacks, citing cost and logistical barriers. Tiny Human Foods, which still makes a number of fresh baby food products, has moved from retail to a 100% direct-to-consumer model, with founder Ashley Rossi noted: “I’ll be happy to visit retail again when they prioritize baby food the same way they do pet food. That level of commitment just doesn’t exist for stores. “To

When it comes to areas where retailers prioritize more space, organic baby food has become the biggest growth engine for many stores.

“The tremendous growth in organic has been enormous,” Said the fencer. “When you think about the overall MULO category, in 2016 it was 26% organic and now in 2021 it’s 37.6. Basically, we’ve seen a 10-point growth in organic, and we know that baby food is at the forefront of organic. food as a category “, she said
