Supreme Court Halts Vaccine Mandate for Businesses

The US Supreme Court, voting 6-3, stopped a federal requirement for companies with at least 100 employees to get vaccinated against COVID-19 or regularly get tested and wear a mask at work. . The ruling was a blow to the Biden administration. However, the court, with a 5-4 decision, allowed the vaccination mandate for most healthcare workers in the US.

The Associated Press reported that the court’s conservative majority found the administration overreached its authority in trying to enforce the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s mandate.

Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen applauded the court’s business ruling. However, he said the mandate for most healthcare workers “is as absurd as it is disappointing. Its effect on rural Montana medical facilities will be irreversible and devastating. This unprincipled approach to ‘divide the baby’ undermines trust. public in the Supreme Court and the rule of law “. law. Today’s decisions do not mean that neither case is over – I will continue our fight to protect the rights of Montanans and end the illegal tenure of President Biden forever. “

All three US Congressmen from Montana commented. Senator Jon Tester said, “Montana business owners and employees across our state made it clear to me that this vaccine mandate was unworkable. I support the Court’s decision and I don’t think the federal government should tell businesses How to operate when it comes to vaccinations. That said, I strongly urge all eligible Montanans to join me in getting vaccinated as soon as possible so that we can end this pandemic. ”

Tester was the only congressman from Montana to support the court ruling allowing the immunization mandate for healthcare workers.

Senator Steve Daines: ‘“President Biden’s private sector mandate is an extreme federal overreach, and I am pleased to see the Supreme Court step in to make that clear. Biden’s mandate on private companies would have forced Montanans out of work and forced some companies to close their doors. While I am in favor of vaccines, I am strongly against the mandate. This should be a decision between Montanans and their doctor, not the federal government. I am disappointed that the Court did not block Biden’s vaccination mandate for healthcare workers. This mandate threatens to close Montana’s hospitals and limit patient access to essential care. I will continue to work in Congress to protect our health heroes from this damaging mandate. “

Comment from Rep. Matt Rosendale:
“I am pleased to see the Supreme Court block Joe Biden’s COVID-19 vaccination mandate for private employers and their workers. This is a significant victory for Montana businesses and the freedom of Montanans to take their Their own medical decisions. However, no Americans should be forced to take the vaccine, and the Court was only half right. I am extremely disappointed that the Supreme Court has allowed the Biden Administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate to go into effect. for healthcare workers, exacerbating the shortage of healthcare personnel. They are already experiencing in Montana. I will continue to fight the overreach and authoritarian COVID-19 vaccine mandates of the Biden Administration wherever they arise. ”

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