50 Years Later – Whatever Happened to That Kid on the Radio?

The date was January 17, 1972.

Richard Nixon was president. The number one song was American Pie. You could buy a gallon of gasoline for 38 cents. And, an 18-year-old boy began to live his dream of making a living on the radio.

That person, of course, was me, and Monday marks my 50th anniversary behind a microphone.

I could tell you the whole story, but none of us have that much time. I wanted a career in radio since at least high school. Some kids have imaginary friends, I had an imaginary radio station.

Armed with my Racing Academy School of Famous Broadcasters Certificate of Completion and my Third Class FCC License (with Broadcast Endorsement), I sent out that first wave of resumes just before Christmas of ’71.

It was Paul Salois, the owner of KPCR in Bowling Green, at the time probably the best country music station in the area, who decided to take a chance on this rookie wet behind the ears. My first turn on the air was weekdays at 10am, following Joe Lewis, who may be the most popular country DJ these days.

That’s where it started. My radio trips took me to Pittsfield (twice), Virden, Hannibal (four times), Monroe City (twice), Jacksonville, and Branson, along with weekly newspaper stops in Barry, Pittsfield, and Winchester.

Photo by Jeff Asmussen

Photo by Jeff Asmussen

From disc jockey to news person, this journey has been all about you, the person on the receiving end. Being the person who lets you know what the weather will be like, or who won the game last night, or where all the sirens were headed, or if you’re going to school, is a job that never gets old.

I have had the opportunity to work with hundreds of kindred spirits over the years. If I tried to name names, it would leave someone out. Let’s just say that if you crossed my path professionally, I probably learned something from you that allowed me to do a better job. Thank you.

For those of you who have allowed me into your homes, cars, offices, or camps over the past half century, gratitude doesn’t begin to describe what you have meant to this elderly Pike County farmer. Especially if it wasn’t for you, I would have had to go get a real job.

In conclusion, to sum up this business and what it means to me, I turn to the greatest man who ever lived play-by-play, Jack Buck.

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