2nd bear attack in NJ is just the beginning (Opinion)

When an elderly woman was attacked and her dog killed by a bear in Sparta earlier this month, I wrote an article about the blood on Governor Murphy’s hands. Now there is even more.

And it is a simple matter of mathematics. When the governor stops controlling the bear population through hunting, the population will increase exponentially. When it does (and it already is), the bears spread out more because they need a lot of land to support themselves.

This means that more bears go to more populated regions and then lose their fear of humans.

That’s when they start to stand their ground more. That’s when the aggression begins.

So yes, I absolutely say that Murphy has even more blood on his hands this week with the mutilation death of another dog in the same city, not too far from the previous incident last month.

Bill Pierce tells authorities he let his 5-year-old Yorkie named Tommy out into his backyard at 10 p.m. Wednesday. As the dog did not return to the door as usual, he went out to investigate.

He found bear tracks and blood leading to the line of wood where he later found Tommy mortally wounded. The mutilation could be the work of the same 400-pound black bear that attacked the elderly woman and killed one of her dogs who lives not far away.

In fact, Pierce says his property borders the property where the first attack took place on January 3.

The problem is a misguided governor who refuses to listen to his own wildlife experts and stubbornly fails to follow the science.

Pierce tried to save his dog and took him to a vet. He told NJ.com: “The injuries were serious. Tommy had been badly scratched and you could see where the skin came through the fur.”

New Jersey officials have already said a 400-pound black bear involved in the attack on the 81-year-old woman would be euthanized if found. But it never was. In this latest incident, a police officer followed bear tracks into the woods, but did not locate any bears. This aggression has to worry the inhabitants of Sparta.

But there is a bigger problem here. The problem is a misguided governor who refuses to listen to his own wildlife experts and stubbornly fails to follow the science. Every year we go without a bear hunt is one year closer to the time when what is happening in Sparta will be happening in much more of New Jersey.

And it’s not just going to be dogs.

The views expressed in the above post are solely those of New Jersey talk show host 101.5 Jeff Deminski.

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