When to cut back fuchsia – spring pruning tips

After a few months off, it’s time for gardeners to get back into the garden and prepare plants for their growing season. By pruning your plants now, you can help them to grow back even bigger than they did last year, and improve the overall health of your plant. Fuchsias need to be pruned in early spring – here’s everything you need to know about pruning fuchsias.

Fuchsia is one of the most popular plants in Britain.

Although they come in many different colours, the most common fuchsia have delicate pink and purple flowers and can grow to impressive heights.

Fuchsias aren’t the easiest plants to maintain, but all your efforts will be worth it when the plant blooms in late summer, giving you a cascading display of pink and purple.

In order to get the best flowers in summer, pruning your fuchsia in early spring is essential.

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For tender fuchsias, who may have spent the winter months undercover indoors, spring pruning doesn’t need to be quite as intense, but they will still appreciate a trim.

Prune out all the weaker stems and cut back the rest to the lowest pair of good buds.

To help keep your fuchsia happy, feed it a high potash plant food.

Fuchsias also need a generous watering about once a week.

Throughout summer, make sure to deadhead your fuchsia regularly.