Research shows that the annual total amount of energy used to power indoor cannabis grows is equivalent to powering 2 million homes, with emissions equal to 3 million US cars. Additionally, we now know that indoor cannabis cultivation labs produces 25 times more CO2 than outdoor grows, with regenerative outdoor grows not only having a carbon footprint of virtually zero but also helping to sequester carbon.

produced by New Rituals in partnership with Sun+Earth Certified, Onda Wellness, Sespe Creek, Flying Embers Kombucha, Chemistry, Brother David’s, and Cornerstone Wellness – whose collective vision is to support a world wherein cannabis products are grown under the sun, in the soil of Mother Earth without chemicals, regeneratively and sustainably, by fairly paid farmers and farmworkers – the ‘420PPM ON 4/20’ begins at 4:20 p.m. and includes an inspiring afternoon-to-evening of conversation and workshops dedicated to climate solutions and intentional cannabis consumption.

Added co-event organizer, Alexis Kafkis: “When you see how detrimental industrial-scale cannabis cultivation is for the environment, you can’t unsee it. It’s time to move past the novelty of legal cannabis and become more mindful of the integrity of the cannabis products we put in our bodies —Where was it grown and how was it cultivated? Our purchasing decisions impact the environment. It doesn’t make sense to eat organic food, but smoke industrially grown, chemically-treated cannabis. We have an opportunity right now, while the cannabis industry is young and emerging, to instill values ​​that will guide us toward regenerative practices.This plant can help us do right by the planet, and together with our ‘420PPM ON 4/20’ partners, we look forward to educating consumers as to how.”

In addition to a preview of the documentary film, tending the gardenticket holders will enjoy high yoga as well a series of panel discussions featuring Tina Gordon (founder of regenerative cannabis farm, Moon Made Farms), Stephen Smith (founder of Wellness wavefirst certified biodynamic CBD oil + world’s first verified regenerative CBD oil), Heather Dunbar (director of marketing and communications for Sun+Earth), Aura Vasquez (community organizer), Chelsea Sutula (founder of Sespe Creek Collectivethe first Sun+Earth-certified cannabis dispensary), Mary Carreon (drug + culture journalist), Daniel Stein (owner of regenerative cannabis farm Briceland Forest Farm), Lynne Lyman (former director of California State Drug Policy Alliance), and Tending the Garden documentary, Claire Weissbluth.

“Everyday consumer choices, whether it’s the food you eat, the soap you use, or the cannabis you smoke, all impact the world for better or for worse,” he said David Bronnerfounder of Brother David’sthe first Sun+Earth Certified cannabis brand in California. “Regenerative organic agriculture promotes soil and community health and mitigates the effects of climate change by sequestering carbon in soil. Chemical-intensive cannabis grown indoors under fossil-fueled lights is making things worse. It’s as crucial to choose sungrown regenerative organic cannabis, as it is to choose regenerative organic food. We are at a critical point where we have to profoundly shift the cannabis industry toward a more ecological climate friendly model.”

Website: Instagram: @420ppm / Doors open at 3:00 PM

PRESS CONTACT: holly aubry / HUMAN NATURE / [email protected]
peter deneen420 ppm co-creator: [email protected]
Alexis Kafkis420 ppm co-creator: [email protected]

pete deneen is an environmental writer focused on human impacts to natural systems. His storytelling by him focuses on solutions to the spiraling crises of climate, plastics, water, soil, and social and environmental justice, with the intent of inspiring action to address the challenges facing humanity and the natural world.

Lexi Kafkis is a creative director who partners with brands, start-ups, and individuals in the cannabis, wellness, and lifestyle spaces to do good for people and planet. After years of working in bicoastal cannabis communities, she saw the need for spaces for conscious consumption and connection with the cannabis plant, leading her to found New Ritualsa brand pioneering new standards of cannabis experiences.

