10 Effective Emotional Marketing Examples to Know

Storytelling is at the core of all successful brands. This is because nothing connects us as much as emotions do, and storytelling helps marketers to bond with their prospects. Emotional marketing examples across brands indicate that marketers who inspire, encourage, or even motivate their audience – will always grab the front pages. Furthermore, marketers who use a variety of tools and platforms to deliver their messages in an emotional way stand out from the noise.

What is Emotional Marketing?

A form of advertising that uses basic emotions, like happiness, fear, or anger, to evoke a response from consumers. Typically, this results in more social sharing and sales. It can also increase customer loyalty, as trust builds between your brand and the customer, as well as improve the customer experience.

Emotional marketing appeals directly to the heart of people. It does not matter whether the marketing message uses positive emotions such as happiness or negative emotions such as fear, it moves people to act based on emotions.

In the marketing world, emotional marketing can take place anywhere, from social media posts to product descriptions. Emotions can be used at every step of the way to elicit particular customer behavior.

(DetailedGuide: What Is Emotional Marketing? – All you Need to Know)

10 Best Emotional Marketing Examples

  1. Instant Gratification

    Even if damaging in the long run, people often expect instant gratification in many areas of their lives. People are always drawn to the urgency of your message. Including words such as now, today, within 24 hours, instant access, etc. is critical. Emotional advertising requires these words.

    Just give what your audience wants – don’t keep them waiting. Run a contest or offer a discount. It’s that simple.

  1. Happiness

    Brands want their customers to associate their brand names with smiles, laughter, and positivity. According to a study, the most shared articles in the New York Times were positive and emotionally appealing. You can increase engagement and sharing with positive advertising when creating emotional ads.

    During the summer of 2015, Coca-Cola’s “Choose Happiness” campaign served as a great example of how consumers could share happy memories and experiences that made them happy.

  1. Trust

    Trust has become one of the most important triggers in emotional marketing, and many brands are trying to get on the trust bandwagon. By using emotional appeal advertising, you can:

    • Persuade customers to trust you and buy from you again.
    • Keep your customers informed and transparent. The public should be able to see everything.
    • Provide links to your third-party reviews on sites like Yelp and TripAdvisor on your landing page.
    • Ensure consumer safety. Provide a full refund, free trial, and 100% satisfaction guarantee.
    • Be human. Your website should display the faces of your team members, as well as links to their social profiles.
    • Specify. Give facts, figures, and stats about your brand.
  1. anger

    Ads that use anger make people angry about politics, environmental issues, political candidates, etc. As an emotion, anger can trigger negative associations.

    Its use stimulates people to ask important questions and reconsider their perspectives. It is their goal to show people the overall situation and show a positive attitude towards changing it for the better.

    For example, the Always Like a Girl campaign uses a famous offense to catch the attention of the public and increase awareness of the difficulties women face, and encourage them to participate in sports. Truly one of the best emotional marketing examples of all time.

  1. afraid

    A brand, a product, or a service can use fear to make people loyal to it. In a showcase, people warn that they may lose something if they don’t take measures. Fear can lead people to examine some areas carefully. By causing fear, people can avoid bad behaviors like alcoholism, drug abuse, and smoking.

    To increase awareness about the harmful effects of global warming, the World Wildlife Fund uses fear in advertising. You and your descendants will be affected by climate change if you don’t take action to keep it.

  1. sadness

    Empathizing and showing compassion can be achieved by using negative emotions like sadness. Companies have found that emotional content is effective in creating public awareness of social issues such as violence, gender equality, poverty reduction, immigration, and more.

    Children of the World, for example, promoted a campaign to improve children’s literacy called Help Me Read This.

  1. belonging

    Almost everyone wants to be a part of a group, community, family, or social network. Customer belonging is key to satisfying psychological needs. Customers are often made to feel part of a group by companies using this emotion.

    This is especially true in sports. Participating in sports is a great way to show belonging. A great example of an emotional appeal is the Rapha Cycle Club (RCC), an organization for cycling enthusiasts.

  1. Leadership

    New products and services are eagerly awaited by consumers. Marketing promotions appeal to an emotional trigger related to leadership, making the target audience feel that they are the first in their industry.

    Are you familiar with Nike’s famous “Just Do It” campaign? It’s a great example that illustrates how cultural leadership triggers emotional responses.

  1. pride

    Consumers who want to look good and feel proud about their purchases will benefit from this emotion. Whether they purchase organic food, bestselling books, or any other purchase worth their money, they want to be proud. Since every person has different needs and desires, using this emotion is difficult, and you need to perform in-depth marketing research to back up your offer.

    Amazon Flex offers its customers the opportunity to earn a good wage when delivering parcels through Amazon.

  1. Values

    Marketers are focusing on values ​​as a hot trend. People make decisions every day about what they want. Marketing promotions are often linked to making the best deal. Price, time, and effort can all be considered.

    Citywide Law Group for example promotes the message, “If you have been injured, you shouldn’t pay until we win”, which is effective in creating a sense of value.

Final Thoughts

Make sure your campaigns follow these emotional marketing examples – they are what give life meaning, purpose, and joy! Aim for positivity whenever possible. Your marketing campaign can help explain why your brand is the solution to your customer’s problem. Try them one more time, this time with feeling, if your campaigns seem a little flat.