Bitter kola and fibroid

Bitter kola and fibroid

Fibroids are basically benign tumors that grow inside of a woman’s uterus during the years when she can bear children. Fortunately, these fibroid growths are not cancerous, but they can cause unpleasant symptoms in the body. Some of these symptoms include rectum pressure, bladder pressure, constipation, rectal pains, abdominal pains and lower back pains. Fiberoids will sometimes shrink by themselves after awhile. However, women usually end up having them surgically removed after the pain becomes unbearable. Most of the time, women don’t even know they have them until the pain occurs.

It has been found that bitter kola seeds and nuts are great for reducing the painful symptoms of fibroids. Not only does it reduce the pains, but bitter kola has been known to shrink the benign tumor on its own without needing surgery to remove it. Of course, this is not the case with everybody, but there have been some reports of people not needing surgery because their consumption of bitter kola shrunk their tumors.

Overall, bitter kola should not be considered as a cure for fibroids. It is certainly a pain reducer that will work better than aspirin or ibuprofen, which end up having their own side effects of their own. On the other hand, bitter kola does not have any side effects and will only provide you with pain reducing benefits and a possible cure for your fibroid. This is certainly a much better and more affordable investment than paying a surgeon to cut out your tumor.

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As with most supplements please consult your doctor before use, especially if you are PREGNANT, NURSING, OR HAVE A MEDICAL CONDITION