Surprising Effects of Eating Organic Produce, Says Science — Eat This Not That

Research is mixed on whether organic produce is much better for your overall health than conventionally grown fruits and vegetables. However, a new peer-reviewed study from the Environmental Working Group (EWG), which looked at 80,000 foods, found that Processed organic products contain significantly fewer ingredients associated with negative health effects than non-organic processed foods.

In light of this new study, we compiled a list of four positive effects that may be associated with organic products, based on existing research. Then be sure to read our list of the 15 Cleanest Foods on Grocery Store Shelves, According to an Expert.

Gardener applies insecticidal fertilizer to fruit apples and protects against fungi, aphids and pests using a sprayer

Each year, the EWG publishes its Buyer’s Guide to Pesticides in Fresh Produce, featuring the Dirty Dozen, a list of conventionally grown fruits and vegetables that contain the most pesticides. These include nutrient sources like apples, kale, and strawberries.

In a previous Eat this, not that! In the article covering the Dirty Dozen, Thomas Galligan, Ph.D., and the EWG toxicologist explained that while the health benefits of eating fruits and vegetables, organic or not, far outweigh the risks associated with exposure to pesticides, It is still a good idea to limit your intake of foods that contain pesticides as much as possible.

“Reducing your exposure to pesticides is also important because pesticides have been linked to a variety of health harms, including cancer, hormonal disruption, and damage to children’s developing brains,” he says. “Switching to organic is an effective way to reduce your exposure to pesticides. “

However, that does not mean that organic foods are completely free of pesticides, they just contain less. A 2014 article examining 343 peer-reviewed publications found that organic products had four times less pesticide residues than conventional products.

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Organic produce can contain more nutrients than its conventional counterpart. A 2010 article published in the magazine Alternative Medicine Review stated, “Reviews of various studies show that organic varieties provide significantly higher levels of vitamin C, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus than non-organic varieties of the same foods. “

While there is a growing body of evidence that would suggest that organic foods provide more health benefits than conventional ones, the Mayo Clinic notes that existing research is largely inconclusive. Ultimately, it doesn’t hurt to choose organic over conventional, if your pay allows it.

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Young man making smoothies in modern kitchen
Images from Shutterstock / Monkey Business

When it comes to taste, you may find that organic products taste a bit fresher and richer, especially if the organic farmer is local to your grocery store. This is because organic products often contain fewer preservatives than conventional products, helping to extend their shelf life in grocery stores. In other words, you are more likely to buy organic produce in its freshest state. Organic or not, always remember that the product will taste the coolest when in season.

boy picking fruit

Organic farming tends to be better for the environment than conventional farming practices, as the lack of synthetic pesticides reduces pollution in both the soil and nearby waterways while increasing soil fertility and conserving water. Not to mention, organic farms use less energy than non-organic ones.

Bottom line: making sure you eat plenty of fresh (and frozen!) Fruits and vegetables is more important than whether you buy conventional or organic ones. Research shows that organic products may reduce exposure to pesticides, which can lead to better health outcomes. They can also be richer in nutrients and flavor, but that could also depend on whether or not you buy seasonally and locally.

For more information, be sure to check out A Major Effect of Eating Organic Food, Says New Study.