List, nutrition, benefits, and more

Fruits and vegetables are an essential part of a nutritious diet. They contain vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other nutrients.

Although both form the basis of a nutritious diet, fruits and vegetables have classifications based on their botanical structure. The fruits that people eat are the seed-bearing structure in flowering plants, while vegetables consist of the stems, leaves, and other components of edible plants.

The Department of Agriculture recommends that adults consume between 1.5 and 2.5 cups of fruit a day.

In addition to fruit, they should try to eat 2 to 4 cups of vegetables. These recommendations vary based on a person’s age, weight, and gender.

According to a 2015 study, most adults in the United States do not consume enough products.

The survey showed that only 12.2% met the daily intake of fruits, while 9.3% met the daily intake of vegetables. Access is likely to be a problem, as only 7% of adults near or below the poverty level reported eating the required amount of vegetables per day.

Read more to learn about the differences between fruits and vegetables, the health benefits of both, and affordable ways to consume more fruits and vegetables.

Fruits and vegetables include different parts of the plants from which they grow.

Fruits come from the flowering part of a plant and contain seeds. Rather, vegetables are the edible parts of a plant, such as the leaves, stem, roots, and bulbs.

People often associate fruits with sweetness and vegetables with a tasty flavor. Although this is usually true, botanists classify some salty products as fruits, such as tomatoes.

Salty fruits and sweet vegetables are sometimes confusing about their ranking. Additionally, botanists and culinary experts disagree on the classification of some fruits and vegetables, further complicating matters.

Botanists classify fruits and vegetables according to the part of the plant they originate from. However, chefs use flavor profiles, such as sweet or salty, to decide whether something is a vegetable or a fruit.

Here are some fruits and vegetables that fall into two different categories that people often confuse.


While the tomato is technically a fruit –– according to botanists –– many consider it a vegetable because of its tasty flavor.

FoodData Central (FDC), the U.S. government’s central nutrient database, ranks Tomatoes like vegetables. However, a tomato grows from the flower of the plant and has seeds, which makes it a fruit.


According to the FDC, cucumbers are also vegetables.

Nevertheless, cucumbers they come from the flowers of plants. They also have seeds throughout them, classifying them as fruits.


People may view rhubarb as a fruit due to its distinctive taste and role in various baked goods.

Although the FDC also classifies it as a fruit, botanists disagree. The part of rhubarb that people eat is the stem, so it is a vegetable, not a fruit.

Green beans

Most people consider green beans to be vegetables and the FDC agrees.

Regardless, green beans grow from the flower of your plant and contain beans, which are its seeds. This turns them into a fruit.


Bell peppers have seeds inside and grow from the flower of the plant, turning them into a fruit. However, the FDC classifies them as vegetables.

Regardless of their technical classification, fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

Many experts say that when it comes to eating a nutrient-dense diet, a person should aim to “eat the rainbow.” This is because colored vegetables contain vital nutrients, and their different shades indicate different nutrient profiles. A diverse diet offers a variety of vitamins and minerals, helping people eat a nutritious diet.

For example, red and orange vegetables are rich in antioxidants and carotenoids. Blue or purple vegetables are rich in anthocyanins, which have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Meanwhile, dark leafy greens are excellent sources of calcium, fiber, and carotenoids.

Fruits also contain several beneficial nutrients. For example, many citrus fruits, such as oranges, grapefruits, and limes, contain vitamin C, an antioxidant that helps body tissues grow and repair themselves.

Both fruits and vegetables provide health benefits.

Bone health

Humans need calcium to build and maintain strong bones. Occurs naturally in broccoli and dark green leafy vegetables, such as kale, bok choy, and collard greens. Oranges and dried figs they also provide a substantial amount of the mineral.

Immune health

Vitamin C plays a essential role in the body’s ability to heal damaged tissues.

Fruits rich in this vitamin include:


Both fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of fiber. However, people need to consume products in their whole state, not in juice form, to get the most fiber.

Fiber prevents blood sugar spikes by slowing down the digestive process and also helps the digestive system function properly. Broccoli, pumpkin, pears, and apples, among other products, are rich in fiber.

According to a 2015 study, most adults in the US do not consume enough products. The research showed that the biggest disparity in vegetable consumption was poverty. Although fruits and vegetables are a proven part of a nutritious diet, they are still expensive and unaffordable for many people.

People who live in food deserts are at a significant disadvantage. These are areas where people have limited access to nutritious food.

A nutritious diet can be difficult to achieve considering these access barriers. However, the following strategies can help alleviate some of these challenges.

Choose inexpensive products

Some products, like asparagus and berries, can be expensive. People looking to stretch their grocery budget can try shopping for more affordable options.

Although the least expensive items vary by location and season, some of the more affordable fruits and vegetables include:

  • watermelon
  • apples
  • bananas
  • pineapple
  • peaches
  • potatoes
  • dry beans
  • carrots
  • cabbage
  • frozen mixed greens

Learn more about eating nutritious food on a budget.

Verify eligibility for food assistance

People who live in the US may be eligible for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), a monthly benefit that allows people to buy fruits, vegetables, meat, bread, and more.

People who are low-income, pregnant, lactating, or postpartum (until their children are 5 years old) are also eligible for the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC). This gives them access to the nutritious foods that new mothers and babies need.

Check the eligibility criteria for SNAP and WIC.

Visit the local farmers market.

In addition to shopping at grocery stores, people can use their SNAP dollars at most farmers markets.

The Double Up Food Bucks program, which is currently active in 25 of the 50 states, helps people get more for their money at the farmers market. It matches every dollar a person spends, which means they can get double the product for the same price.

Learn more about Double Up Food Bucks.

Although botanists classify fruits and vegetables by their structure and seeds, many people and chefs classify them by taste. Regardless, they both contain essential vitamins and minerals that are important to the body.

Some of the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables include promoting bone health, a functional immune system, and proper digestion.

Most people in the US don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables, while those living at or below the poverty line consume even less. However, food assistance programs, such as SNAP and WIC, and the purchase of affordable produce, can help people eat more nutritious diets.
