3 Steps to an Organic and Sustainable Lifestyle at Home

organic lifestyle

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When a food is labeled “organic,” it means that no chemical pesticides or fertilizers were used in the production process.

Whether you are a gardener or a consumer, or both, it is important to understand what organic means, what foods to buy organic, alternatives to pesticides and herbicides, and how harmful pesticides and herbicides can affect us and the environment.

An organic lifestyle is a more natural and sustainable way of life. Not only does it save you money in the long run, it also improves your health, well-being, and longevity.

So how do you adopt an organic lifestyle at home?

Switch to natural herbicides / herbicides

organic lifestyle - weeding

Weeds are considered unwanted plants in a garden, field, lawn, etc. The most common unwanted plants include dandelion, pigweed, and creeper. These types of plants tend to remove the nutrients from the desired plants.

Certain herbicides are known to cause cancer, specifically non-Hodgkin lymphoma. This type of cancer affects the lymph nodes, which are part of our body’s immune system. The lymphatic system flows throughout the body, eliminating waste and fighting infection.

While scientific research is still ongoing on some of these chemicals, there seems to be a general consensus that exposure to some phenoxy herbicides can increase your chances of developing NHL.

Additionally, various jurisdictions in more than 25 countries have banned the use of glyphosate, the most common ingredient in widely used herbicides.

No glyphosate

Glyphosate is a known carcinogen (can cause cancer), so it is best to stay away from products that use this ingredient in high concentrations or to avoid it altogether.

Steam and Electricity

Two natural alternatives to herbicides include steam weed control and electric weed control.

Steam weeding is where steam at a temperature of 212 degrees Fahrenheit is applied to the weeds to destroy the cell membrane. Electric weeding is similar, targeting unwanted plants with a high voltage of electricity to kill them.

Switch to natural pesticides / insecticides

garden pests

As a gardener, you probably want an organic garden or for your garden to be as organic as possible. You don’t want these harmful chemicals in your food, but you also don’t want insects and other pests to destroy your plants. What do you do for a living?

Essential oils

Essential oils seem like the remedy for everything today, but they really work!

Eucalyptus, for example, is very popular when it comes to keeping insects out. This oil deters various insects. Neem oil, extracted from the seeds of the fruit of an evergreen tree in India, is also considered a natural pesticide. Kill aphids, mites and whiteflies.

Himalayan pink salt

Mixed with water in a spray bottle, this salt deters mites.

Chrysanthemum tea

While this tea offers many human health benefits, it is actually quite toxic to certain insects. It contains pyrethrum, an oil created by the flower, which attacks the nervous system of insects.

It is important to note here that chrysanthemum tea, Himalayan pink salt, and essential oils are not harmful to humans in small amounts. Large concentrations of these (and really anything) can be harmful to us. Always use these products as directed.

Buy organic food

organic foods

If you are not a gardener or a farmer, you probably still want to buy all organic food.

Organically grown foods tend to be more expensive than their non-organic counterparts. Fortunately, there are some fruits and vegetables that are still considered safe if you don’t buy the organic version. They are known as “The clean fifteen.”

The clean fifteen

The “clean fifteen” is a list of foods believed to have the lowest concentrations of pesticides. As such, it is considered safer to buy them conventionally.

By purchasing the non-organic version of these items, you will likely have less pesticide residue.

The Clean Fifteen list varies, but these are generally fruits and vegetables that you need to peel before eating. These include products such as:

  • Mangoes, pineapples and kiwis
  • Melon, honeydew melon and watermelon
  • Grapefruits, oranges and lemons
  • Sweet corn, sweet peas, and onions
  • Potatoes, avocados and papaya

The dirty dozen

On the other hand, there are some products that you will always want to buy organic. Even after washing, these tend to have pesticide residue. This list also varies slightly, but is almost always produced with an edible skin, such as:

  • Tomatoes (all), bell peppers, cucumbers
  • Spinach, celery, lettuce
  • Apples, Pears, Cherries
  • Peaches, Nectarines, Strawberries

There are many more, including grapes, milk, and some would even consider buying organic potatoes, as potatoes have a thin coating.

Organic lifestyle

These are just a few ways to live an organic lifestyle. You can also use organic and natural cleaning products in your home, beauty and personal care products, and supplements.

As always, wear everything as directed!

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