Changes coming to processing and labelling rules

Labeling terms referring to organic production and the EU organic logo make it easier for consumers to identify organic products and ensure that organic food meets strict production and processing conditions, in accordance with the requirements of the European Union. In line with the general review of organic production, the new Regulation (EU) no 2018/848, which will enter into force in January 2022, introduces some evolutions, but no revolution, in the processing and labeling of organic food products.

A wider range of products can be certified organic.

The new Organic Regulation will cover a wider range of products, which means that more products are likely to be certified organic.

It will include some other products “closely linked to agriculture”In addition to live or unprocessed agricultural products, seeds and other plant reproductive materials that are already covered today. These products are listed in Annex I of Regulation (EU) 2018/848 and will include, for example, sea salt or essential oils other than those intended to be consumed as food; essential oils for food use were already covered by the previous one. organic rules.

In addition, the Commission will be empowered to add more products to that list.

Requirements for organic processed food products

Processed foods must be produced primarily from organic agricultural ingredients. Some non-organic ingredients of agricultural origin can also be used, but only if they have been authorized for use in organic production and have been used in a low proportion, that is, up to 5% of the agricultural ingredients of the product by weight. The same principle applies to other substances such as food additives or processing aids.
