Organic Foods

What is organic food?

Organic foods are foods that are grown and processed using government-regulated agricultural methods. Using organic food and agriculture:

  • No synthetic fertilizers or pesticides (with exceptions).
  • No antibiotics or growth hormones for livestock.
  • No genetically modified ingredients.
  • No artificial flavors, colors or preservatives.
  • No sewage sludge.
  • No radiation in your food.

Organic food is not necessarily pesticide-free. Natural pesticides can be used in organic food production.

Is organic the same as “natural”?

No. The term “organic” refers to how food is processed in addition to the food itself. Currently, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) or the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not issued a formal definition for the use of “natural” on food labels.

Food manufacturers can use this term when food is free of synthetic preservatives and artificial sweeteners, additives, colors, and flavors. Natural can also mean that the meats come from cattle that were not given growth hormones or antibiotics, and that the products were not grown with pesticides or other synthetic crop enhancers.

The only government-regulated use of the term “natural” refers to meat and poultry. Meat labeled “natural” cannot contain any artificial ingredients or added color and is only minimally processed. The label should explain the use of the term.

How to know if a food is organic?

All foods labeled “USDA Organic” must meet the standards set by the USDA. The USDA evaluates how food is grown, processed, and handled. If a food meets these standards, it can be labeled USDA organic.

Small food producers selling less than $ 5,000 per year can also be called organic if they meet these standards. However, they don’t have to go through the certification process (but they can’t label their food as USDA organic).

What does “certified organic” mean?

To be certified organic by the USDA, farms and food producers must meet certain standards. Only products that contain at least 95% organic ingredients can be certified organic and display the USDA seal. There are different levels of “organic” certification. These are:

  • 100% organic. “100% organic” can be used to label any product that contains 100% organic ingredients (excluding salt and water, which are considered natural). Most raw and unprocessed produce are “100% organic.” Many grains, oats, and flours can also be labeled “100% organic.”
  • Organic. “Organic” can be used to label any product that contains a minimum of 95% organic ingredients (excluding salt and water). Up to 5% of the ingredients can be non-organic agricultural products that are not available as organic.
  • Made with organic. “Made with organic” can be used to label a product that contains at least 70% organically produced ingredients (excluding salt and water). The non-organic portion must also follow USDA guidelines. These products cannot be labeled USDA organic.
  • Specific Ingredient Listings. Specific organic ingredients may be listed in the ingredient statement for products that contain less than 70% organic content. These products cannot be labeled USDA organic.

Certified organic farms and food processors must be recertified every year. A farm cannot be certified organic until 36 months have passed since banned substances were used on the land.

What do other labels I see on meats mean?

  • Approved by Animal Welfare. This means that the meat comes from animals that are organically fed, raised on pastures or rangelands by independent farmers, and handled in a humane way.
  • Certified by the American Grassfed Association. This means that the animals never received antibiotics or hormones. The animals were raised without confinement in pasture, received a 100% forage diet, and were born and raised on US family farms.
  • Certified by Humane Farm Animal Care. This means that the animals had unlimited access to the outdoors, were not confined, received no antibiotics (unless they were sick) or hormones, and were handled humanely.

What are organic farming processes?

For crops, there are several criteria that farms must meet to obtain organic certification.

  • The land must have been free of prohibited substances for at least three years.
  • Soil fertility and crop nutrients are managed through tillage and cultivation practices, crop rotations, and cover crops.
  • Crop pests, weeds, and diseases are controlled primarily through management practices that include physical, mechanical, and biological controls, not synthetic pesticides. When these practices are not sufficient, a biological, botanical, or synthetic substance approved for use by the USDA can be used.
  • Organic seeds should be used when available.
  • The use of genetic engineering, ionizing radiation and sewage sludge is prohibited.

For cattle, the following criteria must be met:

Slaughter animals must be raised under organic management from the last third of gestation, or no later than the second day of life for poultry.

  • Producers must feed livestock agricultural food products that are 100% organic.
  • Dairy animals must be handled organically for at least 12 months for the milk or dairy products to be labeled organic.
  • Preventive management practices should be used to keep animals healthy. Producers cannot deny treatment to sick or injured animals. However, animals treated with a prohibited substance cannot be sold as organic.
  • Living conditions for organic meat must be in accordance with its natural living conditions and behaviors. All organic livestock and poultry should have year-round outdoor access. Cows must be on pasture for the entire grazing season, not less than 120 days. These animals must also receive at least 30% of their food from pastures.
  • Certified organic food must also meet various handling criteria. These are:
  • Only non-agricultural ingredients are allowed on the USDA National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances.
  • In a multi-ingredient product labeled “organic,” all agricultural ingredients must be produced organically, unless the ingredient is not commercially available in organic form.
  • Handlers should avoid mixing organic and non-organic products and protect organic products from contact with prohibited substances.

What are the benefits of eating organic food?

The health benefits related to organic food intake are increasing. However, it is not certain that eating organic food will make a difference to your health.

Compared to non-organic foods, organic foods offer:

  • Reduced exposure to pesticides and insecticides. This is a significant benefit of organic produce and grains.
  • Increased exposure to omega-3 fatty acids. Cattle fed through grazing generally have higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which provide benefits for heart health.
  • Less exposure to cadmium. Studies have shown significantly lower levels of toxic metallic cadmium in organic beans.
  • Elevated levels of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other beneficial micronutrients. Organically grown fruits, vegetables, and grains have higher amounts of vitamin C, vitamin E, and carotenoids; in addition to greater amounts of the minerals calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron.
  • Less bacteria. Less exposure to bacteria in meat.
  • Less exposure to antibiotics. Eating organic meats leads to less exposure to antibiotics and growth hormones that have been used to treat livestock. These drugs can cause antibiotic resistance and other problems in humans.

Is organic good for the environment?

Organic food and organic farming are based on the principles of preserving soil and water quality and generating little or no pollution. Not using chemicals or wastewater as fertilizer reduces toxic runoff into rivers, lakes, and ultimately drinking water.

Animals are never given antibiotics or hormones and must have organic food and safe, cage-free living conditions.

Crop rotation, cover crops, heavy planting, and animal manures are methods used to provide nutrients to plants, as well as to control weeds and insects.

If I can’t afford organic food, what can I do to make my diet healthier?

The biggest disadvantage of organic food is the higher production costs, which are passed on to consumers.

If you want to buy organic food but can’t afford all of your produce, the nonprofit Environmental Working Group reports that the following fruits and vegetables have the highest and lowest levels of pesticides when not bought organic:

Higher levels of pesticides:

  • Strawberries
  • Spinach.
  • Kale.
  • Nectarines
  • Apples
  • Grapes.
  • Peaches
  • Pears
  • Tomatoes.
  • Celery.
  • Potatoes.
  • Chilli Peppers.

Lower levels of pesticides:

  • Avocados
  • Sweet corn.
  • Pineapple.
  • Onions.
  • Papaya.
  • Frozen peas.
  • Eggplant.
  • Asparagus.
  • Cauliflower.
  • Cantaloupe.
  • Broccoli.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Cabbage.
  • Sweet melon
  • Kiwi.

If you can’t afford to buy organic produce, washing and scrubbing fresh fruits and vegetables under running water can help remove bacteria and chemicals from the surface of fruits and vegetables. Peeling fruits and vegetables can also remove pesticides from the surface, but it also reduces nutrients.