Here are 10 travel resolutions for 2022 for the conscious traveller

With the world slowly opening up again, one may be in a rush to fulfill all those delayed travel plans. While we support all travel, we ask that you be more mindful in 2022 with these travel resolutions.

Despite the trials of the pandemic, the stories of strangers helping each other have given us some comfort. Therefore, as we approach the end of 2021, we must carry with us a sense of community and empathy that we have learned over the past two years. To live our dreams of travel, we all have to make an effort to be more aware of the impact that, as individuals, we have on the environment and other human beings.

Ten Travel Resolutions to Follow in 2022


Meaningful and immersive experiences can really redefine what just one more vacation may have been. Over the years, the yearning for these experiences has evolved into a new form of tourism: voluntourism, which combines travel to a destination with volunteer work. Every vacation doesn’t have to be selfless, but targeting some of your travels to help local communities can make for rewarding memories. Volunteering doesn’t just include helping others, but it also involves experiences that help you grow, that show you realities different from yours. And so when you see the sights and have fun, you also spend time involved with something bigger than yourself.

Read our writer’s experience with voluntourism in Spiti Valley, Ladakh, for a first-hand account of how satisfying voluntourism can be.

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Work on more trips through ground transportation

According to a 2019 BBC article, a round-trip economy class flight from London to New York emits around 0.67 tonnes of carbon dioxide per passenger, roughly equivalent to the carbon emissions caused by someone living in Ghana for more than a year .

We are well aware of the effects of carbon emissions and climate change. But what can the individual traveler do? In addition to opting for the economy seats, get in your cars and discover your own country. A day trip in your own city will take you to new and exciting destinations. A road trip allows you to enjoy the places on the way to your final location. If you don’t feel like driving, hop on a bus or train and live out those Bollywood travel fantasies. Remember, travel is not just about the destination. Make the ride just as exciting.

Here are T + L lists of road trips you can take from Delhi, Mumbai, Pune and Kolkata that will inspire you to get behind the wheel.

Choose eco-friendly accommodations

A conscientious traveler deserves an equally conscientious stay, and hotels around the world are actively working to minimize their impact on the environment. Look for accommodations that value sustainable living, such as those that, for example, use local materials and craftsmen. Organic food, renewable energy use, and cultural sensitivity can serve as markers when researching.

Check out our list of green hotels around the world that set the standards you should be aware of.

Opt for off the beaten path locations

The economies of many countries are significantly dependent on tourism. The pandemic has shown us how many stakeholders benefit from tourism activity. But too much of a good thing can end up reversing the benefits. Uncontrolled tourism has to give rise to “over-tourism” in certain destinations, the most infamous example being that of Venice. Local communities and the environment can be harmed, not only causing long-term effects, but also causing disaffection.

As a traveler, turn a worrying situation into an opportunity to expand your travel radars. Respecting the decisions of local authorities, immerse yourself in research and find novel destinations. Who knows, you might discover a place that was truly designed for you. Plus, we’ve been home for far too long, so a destination that’s completely different from anything you know will only do you good.

Why don’t you start in India? Here are some off the beaten path spots in the beloved state of Rajasthan.

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Get local!

The next time you’re planning a trip, look for restaurants that serve locally sourced food, small businesses to support, and places frequented by natives. Step out of your comfort zones as you interact with local communities, who may reveal the location’s best-kept secrets. Of course, see the popular sights, but don’t miss out on a chance to step into a different world, if only for a few days. Interact with and get to know people, even if there’s a chance you’ll never see them again. Sometimes it’s the people who make the place special.

We have in our hands some hidden gems, revealed to us by the locals, in Mexico, Japan and Lisbon.


We feel the same desire to travel. We also have our ever-growing checklists of things to do, places to visit, food to eat, and attractions to see. But when you can finally take the time to travel, do you always have to pack a thousand things each day? Some sights or activities should be more than travel landmarks. They deserve time and care. The pandemic may have slowed you down, but take a moment and consider traveling slowly. We’re not talking about spending a day lazing around (though that sure sounds great, too). In this context, we mean mindfulness. If you have a week, maybe you will try to visit two places instead of five. Learn to be okay with setbacks and detours. Don’t get too attached to your itinerary and keep an open mind. If you don’t feel like doing something but are just trying hard because that museum is a ‘must do’, stop and reconsider. The FOMO concept is so dated now, and not in a cool vintage way. Use your travels to find out what you like to do.

Savor destinations with our guide on how to travel slowly in India.

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Travel light

Forget excess baggage (proverbial and literal) and travel light in 2022. Move faster with less worry and challenge yourself – you may find that you don’t need that extra book. Drive your organization crazy while packing. Opt for lighter suitcases and packing cubes and reduce the number of shoes you carry. While we support anyone who likes to turn heads while traveling, design your outfits in a way that allows you to rotate and reuse the pieces. Don’t underestimate the ability of accessories to change the atmosphere of an outfit.

Get some pro tips from our conversation with Lydia Mansel on how to pack efficiently.

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The ‘little things’ can make a big difference

It may not sound like a groundbreaking resolution, but if we’re completely honest, bringing your own water bottle is still such an underrated practice. Along with the bottle, get your own straw and a stainless steel flask for making coffee. While you’re at it, pack reusable hygiene kits. We get the charm of easy-to-use disposable items. But if you use a toothbrush for a few days and then throw it away, it will take several lifetimes to break down. Examples include bamboo toothbrushes, diva cups, eco-friendly shampoo bars, chewy toothpaste tablets – the list of innovative products is endless.

Prioritize your mental health and take wellness breaks

Our generation, sadly, is very familiar with the feeling of being burned out. We toil and work for endless hours, and in the process we become overwhelmed. We owe it to ourselves to just sit back and relax. Staycations are the perfect remedy. They offer a change of scenery and room to breathe. Read a book, hang out with loved ones, gorge yourself on delicious food, and take in beautiful views. Return to the chaos of city life with a clear mind.

Treat yourself to these five hotels perfect for a getaway.

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Keep a travel journal

Now, we are the last to criticize anyone for wanting to capture moments that will look amazing on Instagram. It is exciting to share our memories with our friends, family and some people who a bit to know. But as time passes and we embark on more and more journeys, our memories of the old may fade. Sometimes the things we have learned are lost in our daily life. Keep a travel journal and mark that special vacation in your own words. A travel journal adds to the romance of travel, too!

This story first appeared on Travel + Leisure India.