People prefer farmed salmon, as long as they don’t know what they’re eating

salmon farm

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A large number of packets of sliced ​​and vacuum-sealed smoked salmon hit Danish shopping carts every year. The vast majority of this smoked salmon comes from Norwegian aquaculture farms.

In recent times, conventionally farmed Norwegian salmon have gained a questionable reputation and notoriety for containing pharmaceutical and chemical residues, as well as contaminating the marine environment and spreading disease to wild populations. However, according to the Danish Food and Veterinary Administration, salmon on the Danish market do not have a problem with unwanted chemicals, and it is very rare for authorities to find pharmaceutical residues.

But it seems that our knowledge about production conditions plays an important role in how we perceive taste. A study by researchers at the University of Copenhagen emphasizes the point.

In the study, 92 Danes were asked to test samples of conventional, organic and wild smoked salmon. The first round was a blind test in which the test subjects were not informed about the type of salmon they were testing. In the second round, the subjects were informed. After each round, the test subjects evaluated their sample preferences.

Expectations are conveyed to taste

In the blind test, conventional and organic salmon outperformed wild salmon, which scored significantly lower than either of the two culture products. Beyond that, conventional salmon tended to be more palatable than organic. However, once the test subjects were briefed on the production method, things quickly changed. Among reported respondents, conventional salmon ranked last, while wild salmon ranked second and organic salmon first.

“The test shows that people’s expectations of a product are based on the information they receive, and that this affects their overall taste experience. With smoked salmon, there seems to be a perception that wild salmon should taste better than salmon, which is conventionally. However, blind testing revealed that people simply preferred the taste of farmed salmon, “states the study’s first author and Ph.D. his partner Mausam Budhathoki, who conducted the study together with his graduate thesis at the Department of Food Science.

According to the researchers, there are several possible explanations for people’s preference for farmed fish.

“One possibility is that people are more familiar with the taste and color of farmed salmon, as this is clearly the most widely available type of salmon on the market. Another reason may be that wild salmon has less flavor because it is leaner than farmed salmon, as was the case here, “suggests Mausam Budhathoki.

It’s not like shooting fish in a barrel

The study, which also included focus group interviews, reveals that Danes don’t know much about farm-raised salmon.

“It seems that many Danes are quite confused about the differences between various salmon products. This is for good reason, as the salmon production chain is long and relatively opaque. Many factors can influence perceptions of a product. Do you have any pharmaceutical residues? Does it come from an over-exploited population? Have you lived a natural life? And what exactly is fish welfare? Says Helene Christine Reinbach, lead author and associate professor in the Department of Fish Science. Food.

She continues:

“In the test, wild salmon clearly score points with respect to information about its provenance. It provides positive associations about being more natural and consequently better in terms of animal health and welfare. The fact is, however, that only Farmed salmon is eligible for organic certification in Denmark, where there are strict sustainability, health and animal welfare requirements in production. On the other hand, most of the wild salmon populations in our part of the world are in poor condition and have higher concentrations of environmental toxins than farmed salmon. “

Organic salmon wins, but we tend not to buy it

Despite their higher price, many organic foods have significantly increased their market shares in Denmark in recent years. However, sales of organic fish, including salmon, remain sluggish. As organic salmon scored highly in both rounds of the taste test, the researchers believe there is obvious potential for organic smoked salmon producers and other stakeholders.

“There is a clear opportunity for promotion, by providing consumers with more information on the positive aspects that differentiate organic salmon from conventional and wild-caught salmon. For example, more information could be included on the packaging to help guide consumers, in relation to the sustainability and health benefits of organic smoked salmon. At the same time, the sector should work to increase the availability of organic options in local stores, as it may still be difficult to get it “, he concludes Helene Christine Reinbach.

The study was published in the scientific journal Food quality and preference.

Domesticated salmon have smaller eyes on the farm, but not in the wild.

More information:
Mausam Budhathoki et al, The role of production method information in sensory perception of smoked salmon: a mixed method study from Denmark, Food quality and preference (2021). DOI: 10.1016 / j.foodqual.2021.104325

Provided by the University of Copenhagen

Citation: People prefer farmed salmon as long as they don’t know what they’re eating (2021, December 6) Retrieved December 7, 2021 from -salmon- dont-theyre.html

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