A College Student’s Guide to Living an Organic Lifestyle: 6 Insider Tips

organic lifestyle college

Make a bed out of shipping boxes

College life isn’t what most people think of when they think of clean living, but it’s never too early to start making better decisions for your health. Living an organic lifestyle is an important way to breathe and sleep better.

Incorporating organic exchanges into your daily routine is the perfect low-effort way for college students to join the sustainability and wellness movements. Many of these organic-friendly exchanges won’t disrupt your habits, which means they’re just as shocking as they are beginner-friendly.

Don’t worry about chemicals in your food, clothing, or bedding while stressing out about finals this year. Instead, here are six insider tips to help you make the transition to all natural.

Shop organic bedroom essentials

You don’t have control over some things as a college student, but one thing you can control is the products you use to fill your dorm. Like clothing, furniture and bedroom essentials can also be organic. If you’re looking for sustainable home swaps, there are companies like these that make safe, chemical-free versions of bedroom essentials like mattress toppers.

One of the best things about moving into a bedroom is that you usually start from scratch so you can buy everything organic the first time. If you treat them right, these eco-friendly and skin-friendly alternatives can stay with you for four years and beyond.

Consider local food producers and small markets.

Food is what most consumers think of when they hear the word “organic.” Organic foods are foods grown without the help of harmful pesticides, which means that they are better for our body and the environment.

Organic foods often have higher nutritional value, and many swear they taste better. Look for certified organic products, cruelty-free labels, and shop at local markets to jump on the chemical-free food bandwagon.

Organic products do not always have a uniform shape. Look for the five-digit codes on the products, starting with the number 9, which stands for organic. If you don’t lead the vegetarian lifestyle, that’s perfectly fine – you can choose meats that are certified organic by USDA standards.

Whenever possible, avoid processed foods. When eating out, try to eat locally and ask if any of the restaurants in your community get their food from nearby farms.

Read about the ingredients of the product

Living organically is a way of life that means learning about the ripple effect that our purchasing decisions can have on the world around us.

Get in the habit of checking product labels and researching various ingredients. Even foods that you may assume are all-natural can undergo harsh treatments to make them more aesthetically pleasing or long-lasting.

Alternative to plastic

Today’s market is teeming with refillable and reusable water bottles and storage containers. Single-use plastics are one of the easiest items to replace with something more environmentally friendly.

Use refillable water bottles and cups. If there is no alternative option to packaged products, consider recycling them later. Although reusable plastics will undergo similar treatment to single-use plastics, this exchange is still a low-effort way to reduce your carbon footprint.

Detox your skincare routine

Did you know that many cosmetic products are packed with harsh chemicals that damage the skin? Look for companies that promise all-natural, chemical-free makeup to find a less harmful way to apply your morning makeup.

Dress to impress

Reading food labels is a great habit, but take it to the next level. Check the label of your clothes. Is it made locally or imported from long distances? Consider how it got to be in the store you bought it from and what substances might have treated the fabric before processing.

Choosing organic clothing is another excellent tool to unleash the eco-survivor. Hemp and wool are great alternatives to traditional fabrics like cotton.

Fashion clothing comes and goes and leaves a huge mark on the environment from start to finish. High-quality garments not only look good, they are sustainable.

Farewell shot

Living organically is about considering all the options available, not just the most popular or the cheapest. By making a few simple adjustments to your shopping habits, you can earn an “A” in organic living this semester.

