A guide to introducing your tot to new food textures

Starting solids is such an exciting time for families, but it can be equally daunting as parents try to gauge when their tot is ready to take the next step in their food adventure.

We spoke to pediatric dietitian Shae Rickards from Bellamy’s Organic for expert tips on moving from liquids to puree to finger foods and family meals to make for a stress-free foray into new food textures.


Purees are the natural first choice for many parents beginning their babies’ food journey.

“At around six months, babies’ iron and zinc stores start to reduce so they need to get extra from solid food for brain development and their immune system,” Rickards says. “The key rule is the first solids should include an iron-rich food, such as meat, chicken, fish puree, legumes, eggs, tofu and iron-fortified rice cereals.”

Blitz steamed vegetables and tender cuts of meats and legumes in a food processor in ice cube trays for easy reheating on a later date. “Pureéing iron-enriched foods ensures they are meeting their nutritional needs,” Rickards adds.


Babies get the hang of purées surprisingly quickly, with gagging and funny faces usually only short-lived.

“Once bub is used to the texture, it’s okay to progress them onto the next level,” Rickards says.

“If you start with purees for your baby at around six months of age, these will only be needed for a very short period as your baby should be encouraged to chew soft foods from around seven months.”

Mashing foods with a fork rather than blitzing with a blender can be a good way to transition to chewier foods. Try this with boiled vegetables, minced meats, avocado, stewed pear or ripe bananas.

“Try thickening the food gradually, slowly increasing the size of the lumps and decreasing the amount of pureed food, and praise your baby when he or she eats mouthfuls of lumpy foods.”

finger foods

Most babies love the independence that comes with finger foods and often get the hang of things surprisingly quickly.

“By eight months, most babies can manage finger foods, which are foods cut into small pieces that baby can pick up and feed themselves,” Rickards says.

“Offer foods your baby can grab hold of easily, like a lamb cutlet or strips of cooked steak; broccoli florets, steamed carrot and other vegies cut into sticks; or soft fruit like banana or watermelon.”

Once babies are onto finger foods, a lot of parents find that food prep becomes easier.

“Whatever you prepare for dinner can be adapted for baby,” Rickards says.

“Their hands can soon pick up pieces of pasta, clumps of rice, bits of chicken or fish, baked beans and other legumes.”



For the first 12 months, breast milk or formula remains a baby’s key source of nutrition, so parents don’t need to stress too much about how much solids are eaten.

“In the beginning, milk feed your baby before you offer other foods so they are getting their main nutrients first and they’re more relaxed about the other food you are offering,” Rickards says.

“Continue to offer your baby their milk at the same time of the day, introducing solid foods between their milk feeds. As you slowly increase the number of meals baby is having a day, you may notice a decrease in their daytime milk feeds.” [at which point] you may like to try to remove one or two milk feeds at around eight months between breakfast, lunch and dinner.”

From the age of six months, you can also give your baby small amounts of cooled, boiled tap water in addition to breast milk or formula to help them get used to it.

“Offer it with each meal in a free-flow sippy cup,” Rickards suggests.

Focus on variety

The best thing parents can do for their child’s eating habits is to continue to offer new tastes, experiences and textures.

“Introducing a variety of food textures when introducing solids is important as it helps them learn how to chew; aids speech development and encourages your child to accept different textures,” Rickards says.

“Delaying texture progression can cause fussy eating habits that may continue throughout life.”

Offering a wide variety of foods also gives you tot the best chance of a flexible palate.

“The six to seven-month mark is a critical window for flavor training. Babies are born with a taste for sweet and salty foods, so we need to teach them to like bitter and sour foods,” Rickards says.

“Don’t worry if your baby appears not to like some foods – they may need to taste a food up to 10-15 times to deem it ‘safe’ and learn to like it, and they may need to simply see a food many times before they even want to try to taste it.”

Founded by an Australian mother, Bellamy’s Organic provides certified organic Australian made toddler milk and baby food for the precious early years. Our team of experts are dedicated and passionate about creating high quality, nutritionally balanced and delicious food.

click here to explore our great new range of certified organic food, including our NEW Wholesome Savory Meals, with chunky textures your baby will love.

With Bellamy’s Organic, you can be confident that you are giving your little ones a pure start to life.