American Farm Bureau establishes 2022 policies

ATLANTA – Farmer and rancher delegates to the 103rd Convention of the American Farm Bureau Federation have adopted policies to guide the organization’s work in 2022.

Key issues ranged from the price of milk and the transparency of the beef market to urban agriculture.

“Delegates from the 50 state and Puerto Rico Farm Bureaus came together to demonstrate the power of grassroots leadership,” said AFBF President Zippy Duvall. “The established policies will guide the Farm Bureau in its mission to advocate for farmers and ranchers and build a sustainable future of safe and abundant food, fiber and renewable fuel for our entire nation and the world.”

Delegates re-elected Duvall and Vice President Scott VanderWal to their fourth terms.

Long-standing frustration over imbalances in the meat industry led to calls for more transparency in livestock markets. In this complex discussion, it was determined that while the government should play a role in increasing the share of negotiated sales while respecting regional differences, government mandates that establish percentages of cash sales should not be used to achieve this end, since that doing so will have a negative impact. cow/calf producers.

As farm labor struggles continue, delegates approved additional policies that build on existing AFBF policies regarding the need for employee stabilization and reforms to the guest worker program.

Delegates updated the biofuel policy to include renewable diesel. The addition recognizes the innovation and potential that sustainable biofuels provide environmental benefits while creating opportunities for American farmers.

As farmers and ranchers continue to increase their reliance on digital technologies, delegates voted to raise the standard for federal broadband projects to at least 100 Mbps for both uploads and downloads.

The Montana Farm Bureau put three policies through the process. Policies addressed predator depredation on livestock, addressing necessary coal seam fire mitigation and prevention, and state property tax.

Next year, MFBF intends to bring back an improved version of its resolution dealing with higher levels of USDA research funding for US-grown organic foods.

“The 2022 policy development session went very well and Montana’s policy proposals were successful on the floor,” said MFBF President Cyndi Johnson, who represented Montana with Vice President Gary Heibertshausen. “There were 350 delegates representing 50 states and Puerto Rico, and we were all thrilled to be working together in person again to shape US Farm Bureau policy. We had several opportunities to meet and network as presidents and vice presidents from around the world”. country. We often find common ground on topics and develop lifelong friendships.”