Benefits and uses of Garcinia Bitter Kola

Benefits and uses of Garcinia bitter Kola

Bitter kola has gotten a great reputation for the number of health benefits that it can give to a person. The bitter kola plant produces fruits, nuts and seeds that can be consumed in order to help people fight illnesses and even lose weight. These elements of the plant contain special antimicrobial and antiparasitic properties that have been used for centuries to treat the symptoms of colds and flu, such as congestion, headaches, throat infections and bronchitis. For a long time, the people of West Africa never understood the science behind the nuts of the bitter kola plant. Many of the citizens didn’t even know it was the bitter kola plant doing the healing. The ones who grew the plants were usually the “medicine men” of the western region of Africa, although they were not real doctors. They just knew that the nuts of this plant were able to help people, and so they capitalized on that. Since the seeds really do work for people, nobody ever questioned the medicine men’s abilities.

Bitter kola has now been found to help treat the symptoms of the Ebola virus by stopping it from replicating itself inside of an infected person’s body. It is not a cure for the virus, but if people consume bitter kola early on then it will help stop the virus from spreading rapidly and causing painful symptoms, such as nausea and headaches. Eventually, it would lead to internal bleeding which can be fatal. With the recent news about Ebola spreading, people are hopeful that a cure will eventually be derived from the antibacterial properties of the plant. Nothing yet is proven to cure Ebola. But bitter kola can be used for so many other disease symptoms.

This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

As with most supplements please consult your doctor before use, especially if you are PREGNANT, NURSING, OR HAVE A MEDICAL CONDITION

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