Cocktail of pesticides in almost all oranges and grapes, UK study finds | Pesticides

Almost all grapes and oranges contain a “pesticide cocktail” according to research, which has identified the most contaminated fruits and vegetables in our shopping carts.

Every year the government tests food samples for chemicals to see if traces can be found in British food.

Official figures, analyzed by the Pesticide Action Network (PAN), found 122 different pesticides in the 12 most contaminated products, what the charity calls the “dirty dozen.” Many of these are dangerous to human health; 61% are classified as highly dangerous pesticides (HHP), a concept used by the UN to identify those substances most harmful to human health or the environment.

The list of pesticides includes 47 linked to cancer, 15 “reproductive or developmental toxins” that can have adverse effects on sexual function and fertility, and 17 cholinesterase inhibitors that can damage the respiratory system and cause confusion, headaches and soft spot. A quarter of the pesticides found are suspected of being endocrine disruptors that can interfere with hormonal systems and cause a variety of health problems, including birth defects and developmental disorders.

Each fruit or vegetable on the list contains two or more types of pesticides, and some contain as many as 25. Although individual pesticide levels are within legal limits, activists fear that the combination of multiple chemicals could be particularly harmful to health. of people.


Nick Mole from PAN UK said: “These figures highlight the wide range of chemicals we are exposed to on a daily basis through our diets. While safety limits are still being set for only one pesticide at a time, evidence is growing that chemicals can combine to be more toxic, a phenomenon known as the cocktail effect. “

There are also gaps in the data. This year, the government decided to try only three of the 12 types of fruits and vegetables on the list of the dirty dozen compiled by the PAN last year. Strawberries, lemons and prepackaged salad, which topped the previous list, were not tested, so there is no way to know if the amount of pesticides in these products was reduced.

A PAN spokesperson said there is no real way to avoid ingesting pesticides other than by campaigning to reduce their use.

“The best way for people to avoid pesticides is to buy organic products. Of course, hardly anyone in the UK can afford or access a totally organic diet, which is why we are publishing the Dirty Dozen, to help consumers prioritize which products to avoid, ”he said.

“In terms of washing, you have to remove some residue on the skin of a product (which will often be fungicides used to prevent it from rotting during storage and transport). However, many modern pesticides are what are called “systemic”, which means that they are absorbed by the plant and distributed by its tissues, reaching any fruit or flower. As a result, pesticide residues are often contained within the body of the product itself and therefore washing the surface will not remove them. “

Consumers are also encouraged to shop in EU countries as well as the UK as the EU has by far the most protective pesticide regime in the world and is much more likely to ban a pesticide due to the concern about the damage it causes. The UK regime currently mirrors the EU regime.

There are also environmental implications: half of the 12 main pesticides found are groundwater pollutants, meaning they persist in water bodies, potentially affecting aquatic biodiversity or the quality of drinking water. The list includes the neonicotinoid acetamiprid which, while believed to be less toxic to pollinators than other neonicotinoids, PAN says could still pose a potential threat to the health of bees.

Added Mole: “Consumers assume that their food has undergone rigorous testing and that if an item is available for sale in the UK then it must be safe. Unfortunately, this is not necessarily the case. In fact, we have very limited knowledge of the long-term human health impacts of consuming small amounts of dozens of different pesticides every day of our lives. “

A spokesperson for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs said: “All food sold in the UK must comply with strict rules on pesticide residues to ensure that it is safe to eat. These are applied through a comprehensive residue monitoring program supervised by an independent specialized body and in 2020 more than 97% of the analyzed samples met the requirements.

“However, we continue to encourage a move away from chemical pest control and recently consulted on a national action plan that aims to minimize the impacts of pesticides and increase adoption of safer alternatives.”