Division of Agriculture releases 2022 versions of weed, pest and disease management guides

PREPARED FOR THE SEASON – The most widely used publications from the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture have been updated for 2022 with the latest research-based recommendations for managing pests, weeds and diseases in row crop farming, as well as such as fruits, vegetables and garden production. (Image from the Division of Agriculture)

LITTLE ROCK – The most widely used publications from the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture has been updated for 2022 with the latest research-based recommendations for pest, weed and disease management in row crop agriculture, as well as in the production of fruits, vegetables and gardens. .

2022 releases include:

Hard copies of the guides are available at county extension offices free of charge. Digital copies of all three guides, along with other extension publications, are available online at https://www.uaex.uada.edu/publications/new.aspx.

“MP” stands for “Miscellaneous Publication.” The guidelines are updated annually to reflect the latest research-based information.

“MP posts dealing with pesticides are universal to all walks of life. These publications are used not only by all agricultural producers, but also by homeowners and businesses of all kinds,” said Victor L. Ford, associate vice president for Agriculture and Natural Resources at the Cooperative Extension Service, part of the Division of Agriculture. .

“Don’t think that these are just non-organic solutions because there are also organic recommendations,” Ford said. “All recommendations are based on the best scientific research at the time of publication and are reviewed by nationally renowned experts in the field. You can trust that these recommendations will be effective, affordable and legal.”

Ford said the chemicals, dosages and application rates recommended in the publications will not conflict with proprietary labels issued by the US Department of Agriculture and the US Environmental Protection Agency.

MP44, “Recommended Chemicals for Weed and Brush Control,” is a one-stop shop for information on herbicides, applications, and the most up-to-date recommendations for weed control in Arkansas.

“The 2022 edition has been updated once again with the newest emerging herbicides and university recommendations for weed control based on first-hand research,” said Tommy Butts, assistant professor and extension weed scientist in the Division of Agriculture. . “In addition to the latest information presented in the book, several QR codes have been added throughout the MP44 to direct users to more online resources and information on weed management. This is a must-have resource for anyone using herbicides for weed control in Arkansas.”

MP144, “Insecticide Recommendations for Arkansas,” contains information on recommended insecticides on row crops, animal agriculture, fruits, nuts, vegetables, and household pests.

“The most significant change this year is the removal of chlorpyrifos (Lorsban) from all food crops,” said Glenn Studebaker, extension entomologist with the Division of Agriculture. “The EPA has revoked all tolerances for this active ingredient in all food crops.”

The mobile edition of MP 144 is available at https://mp144.uada.edu/.

The “Arkansas Plant Disease Control Products Guide,” or MP 154, includes a list of fungicides and nematicides registered for use in Arkansas that are used to control diseases of row crops, vegetables, small fruits, turf and ornamental plants.

“The 2022 edition of MP154 has some new fungicides among various crops and updated fungicide efficacy tables for corn, soybeans and wheat,” said Travis Faske, extension plant pathologist for the Division of Agriculture.

All information in the guide is generated by extension plant pathologists conducting applied research trials throughout the state.