Growing the Table aims to provide free, organic produce to farmworkers

The Growing the Table pilot program has distributed about 11,000 boxes of locally grown organic produce to food-insecure families.

Food insecurity has only gotten worse since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly for those in the fields who earn low wages while feeding the rest of America.

In the past year, hundreds of Salinas families have relied on the donated food boxes, but many worry it still isn’t enough.

Recent food donation efforts were made by Growing the Table, a pilot program that delivered locally grown food to food-insecure families throughout the Central Coast since May.

They have donated more than 138,000 pounds of food to families in Salinas and in Monterey, Santa Cruz and San Benito counties.

However, with the end of this 15-week program scheduled for October, the hope is that Growing the Table can obtain the necessary funding to continue serving families long-term.