We don’t know if this Hannibal Regional-born youngster will grow up to be a track star, but we do know that she won the race to be on the first Saturday.
Hannibal Regional officials announced Monday that baby Evren, the daughter of Amber Larenson and Jordan Penrose, was the first baby born at Hannibal Regional in 2022, arriving in the world at 3:10 p.m. Saturday.
Evren’s due date was January 2, so Amber and Jordan knew that having the New Years baby was a possibility. Then the doctors set January 1 as Amber’s induction. Jordan was sure his new daughter would be his first. But, with the due dates of several other moms around the same time, Amber wasn’t so sure.
But, in the end, Evren was in fact Hannibal Regional’s New Years baby, which means gift baskets full of items and a $ 2,000 scholarship to Hannibal-LaGrange University.
According to Diane Bibb, DNP, Director of Women’s Care, “It’s always an exciting time during the new year to see which baby comes first. This is (Amber and Jordan’s) first child, so that makes it even more so. special for them. We are very happy for their new family. “
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