How To Choose The Right Kind For Your Recipe

There are a lot of things I like about ground beef: it’s versatile, inexpensive, readily available, and easy, making it a great dinner option for busy families. But shopping for ground beef can be tricky, especially when you consider the myriad of options available to you. In the supermarket, the meat section offers a lot of variety, so which type should you choose? Ultimately, it all comes down to the recipe you’re making. Our guide will help you make the right decision.

What do the labels mean?

Buying ground beef seems simple enough, but packages may also be labeled ground beef, ground round, or ground sirloin; In addition, they usually offer a ratio of numbers that indicate lean versus fat. Here’s the key to knowing which is which: 80-85 percent of ground beef comes from primal cuts, 85-90 percent from the round, and 90 percent and less is derived from the sirloin. Each of the blends is ideal for different purposes.

What ground beef mix should I use?

Your goal should be flavorful, juicy meat, never greasy and mushy. Nicole Rodriguez, registered dietitian nutritionist and certified personal trainer, says, “Many people prefer their burgers to be an 80/20 mix, the 85/15 mix makes a tasty meatball or meatloaf, and 90 percent or less is ideal.” for sauces and crumbles. Either mix makes a delicious chili, lasagna, baked ziti, and ground beef that pairs perfectly with a variety of vegetables.”

Sure, it’s rich and delicious, but ground beef is also a great source of protein. “You may not think of ground beef as a topping for pasta, but there’s nothing quite like ground beef with a little Greek seasoning, feta cheese, spinach, sun-dried tomatoes and kalamata olives,” says Rodriguez. “Beef actually increases the nutrient density of high-carb foods and helps spread them out over more servings. A win-win!”

What is better for burgers?

Ground beef
Image Credit: Jonathan Borba/Unsplash

When it comes to making burgers, Rodriguez is a fan of 80/20. “Any mix, whether it’s 80/20 or leaner, will deliver the distinct flavor and satisfaction of beef. To be honest, nothing beats the experience of eating a burger made with an 80/20 mix. It’s the juiciest, especially when you let the burgers sit for five minutes before serving,” he says.

Purchase and storage

You can find organic, grass-fed ground beef at your grocery store. Rodriguez points out that both grass-fed and conventional grain-fed beef are nutrient-dense with a similar nutritional profile. While all beef is high in B12, B3, B6, iron, selenium and zinc, grass-fed beef is higher in vitamins A and E and offers a different composition of beneficial fatty acids like Omega -3 and conjugated linoleic acid.

Select veal with a bright cherry red colour. The lack of oxygen causes the meat to brown and can indicate that it is beginning to spoil. Choose packages without excess liquid and avoid cross-contamination by keeping raw ground meat and meat juices away from other foods, both in the refrigerator and during preparation. Because ground beef is more perishable than roasts or steaks, plan to use refrigerated ground beef within a day or two of purchase or store it in the freezer where it will keep for three to four months.

cooking tips

Use a light touch when preparing ground meat. Overmixing will result in burgers, meatballs, or meatloaf with a firm, dense texture. And remember that cooking ground beef on high heat can nicely sear the outside, but it can also overcook or char the outside while the inside remains undercooked.

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(Main and Feature Image Credit: John Dolan)

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