How to make it a ‘fair and green’ New Year in Sidmouth

10:00 January 16, 2022

As thoughtful consumers, we have the power to change everything, and January is the time to do it!

This rough guide is not intended to preach or proselytize, but rather to put some concrete ideas on the page. The Sidmouth Fair Trade Steering Group expects a lightbulb to go off every now and then: “I can do that!”

your daily life

All the products we buy abroad have an important historical dimension and it is vital to use your purchasing power and curiosity to ensure that there is a fair deal behind the label or brand. Fairtrade is part of building a fairer world and ‘baking’ it into some of our most consumed products every day: tea, coffee, cocoa and chocolate, and many more. As we think about the environmental and social challenges of our day, we must consider our colonial history and how we have benefited from it. Buying Fairtrade products is essential and easy!

The last year has been particularly tough on small businesses, so try to avoid Amazon and shop sparingly. There is an ethical option for most purchases. You can even find ethical car insurance now, so when it’s time to renew, check out the Ethical Consumer website.

avoid plastic

We are now fortunate to have two stores in Sidmouth where you can recharge and recycle, buying as much or as little of what you want from a bin of your own. Thinking too much about plastic can take you in surprising directions: a reader of Ethical Consumer Magazine pointed out that the ‘chilled’ products we buy often contain plastic trays, but frozen versions often don’t.

We don’t need to buy vegetables in plastic. We are fortunate to still have some ‘classic’ local supermarkets and whole foods stores, and real bakeries in and around Sidmouth. You can also support local organic farmers with a vegetable box scheme.

Sign outside Becketts Coffee House, Sidmouth

Sign outside Becketts Coffee House, Sidmouth
– Credit: Fairtrade Steering Group

buying gifts

If you’re shopping for gifts online, try Etsy! Etsy features a lot of vintage and handmade products; this can relieve some of the pressure on the environment. You can even contact the producer-seller and ask them not to wrap your gift in plastic.

the v word

V is for vegan! Veganism is beginning to resonate widely for its central aspiration that food production, especially industrial agriculture, should not decimate forests, pollute rivers and oceans, exacerbate climate change, and drive wild animal populations to extinction. extinction. January is the time to try a well-established Veganuary campaign. There is tons of information to read and accept on the Veganuary website. Eating less meat for your health and for the planet is part, but not the whole story. There are many amazing and delicious vegan and fair trade products. Have Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream for starters (or should it be dessert?). Their non-dairy range is made with almond milk and is certified vegan. All cocoa, sugar, bananas and vanilla used in the range are Fairtrade certified. Available in most supermarkets. Lidl in Sidmouth has a full range of non-dairy ice cream on sale this month! yum.

The Fair Trade website has more ideas for products you didn’t know were vegan.

your house and home

Energy companies are in the news! Prices are rising, so there are both economic and planetary reasons to look at how much carbon your home energy generates. Some providers give you very clear details about their consumption and their carbon footprint. As business guru Peter Drucker once said, “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.” Getting the information is the first step! If your provider still doesn’t do this, ask, search, or CHANGE!

His garden

The RHS has a winter price freeze on membership this month: You’ll also get 25 percent off your first year as a member with a direct debit signup. The monthly magazine is full of tips and advice about your garden and your work to make the UK a greener, more beautiful place. His goal is to empower the next generation of gardeners to find solutions to environmental problems!

If you want to explore more, our other sources include RHS, Methodist Church, and The Ethical Consumer Magazine.