How to surf the organic food boom on the cheap | Food

Sor a lot for the view that organic food is just a navel-looking lifestyle concern for the neurotic rich. The latest UK market figures show organic sales are booming, at their strongest point in a decade, with a 15% rise last year at Tesco alone.

In terms of growth, organic products are now outpacing the non-organic grocery market, contradicting the cynics who said that at the first puff of austerity we would rid ourselves of concerns about animal welfare, pesticides and the planet, and we would join the cheap food scrum.

In anticipation, UK supermarkets cut shelf space allotted for organic food to compete with German discount chains. But organic continued to thrive thanks to independent retailers, home delivery plans, farmers’ stores and restaurants. Smart chefs are increasingly giving organic a big thumbs up; sales to catering companies also soared 15% last year. And guess what? Aldi and Lidl buyers also prefer not to eat pesticide residue or meat from GM-fed cattle that have never seen a green field.

Organic loyalists have developed a buying strategy that makes organic food accessible, even if you’re on a tight budget: Organic fruits, vegetables, and herbs bought from farmers, or at farmers markets, are regularly more cheap than the conventional equivalent of supermarkets, which is usually a fruit and vegetable speculator. Similarly, never make the mistake of going to your local small-format supermarket for organic eggs because you’ll pay around £ 2.49 for six, as opposed to the whole foods box / market / store scheme price of £ 1.65- £ 1.99 .

In the dry goods department (staples like flour, oats, rice, and peanut butter), the price difference between buying organic and non-organic is often slim. Again, organic can be cheaper, especially if it is minimally packaged in a whole food store. Happily, organic chocolate costs the same as good quality non-organic chocolate.

There is excellent British beef and lamb from non-organic animals that have had a decent living, so there is less reason to pay a premium for organic red meat. Organic poultry and pork are always significantly more expensive than non-organic (£ 12 instead of £ 3 for a chicken), but free-range organic pigs and poultry are raised considerably more humane and generally taste noticeably better. Knowing this, you could decide to eat less poultry and pork, but stick with organic.

Organic milk and yogurt are more expensive than budget supermarket equivalent lines, but not necessarily mid-range or premium, and the cows are happier – no “zero grazing” allowed.

Perhaps the trick is to be pro-organic without turning it into a religion. Buy organic in the categories that matter most to you, but regularly test any assumption that it is costing you more. You could be in for a pleasant surprise.