How to turn your home into a wildlife haven

If you don’t have a garden, you can still support UK wildlife by changing some of your usual shopping habits. “One of the main causes of climate change is food production,” says McCubbin. “It is responsible for up to 40% of carbon emissions worldwide.”

Buying organic food or swapping out some of the products from your regular grocery store for organic versions can go a long way. Organic farming abandons harsh chemicals and pesticides for natural methods that create and maintain healthy soils and support wildlife. As a result, organic farms host, on average, up to 50% more wildlife and 30% more species.

“The food we buy has a huge effect on our environment and the biodiversity it contains, but we don’t often connect those dots,” says McCubbin. “Organic farms are havens for creatures like the hedgehog and birds like the cornflake, which feed on insects that organic farms protect by ditching pesticides. We can actively encourage these species by buying from farms that protect food chains and do not eliminate the insects that these animals feed on. “

“It doesn’t have to be expensive,” adds McCubbin. “Do a little research on the price points at different retailers. Sometimes organic private label products from a supermarket can be cheaper than alternatives from other brands. It’s about doing research and making small changes here and there. “