Is Hummus Vegan? The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Plant-Based Hummus

Yes, traditional hummus is vegan and there are only a few exceptions where the added ingredients make this delicious meal non-vegan.

Hummus is a topping or spread made by mixing or mashing cooked chickpeas, olive oil, lemon juice, spices, and tahini, a simple Middle Eastern seasoning made from roasted and ground sesame. Traditional hummus generally contains all vegan ingredients and does not include any animal products; however, different flavor combinations may introduce dairy or other non-vegan ingredients.

As hummus continues to gain popularity in the Western world, it is becoming increasingly common to find other varieties, especially those that include red bell peppers, white beans, roasted garlic, black olives, and other plant-based ingredients. Even better, the sauce goes great with vegan-friendly snacks and meals like raw veggies, wraps, sandwiches, and even added to salads.

While hummus is almost always vegan on its own, there are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to non-traditional variations.

Tree hugger tip

Both tahini and chickpeas (also known as chickpeas) are a favorite with vegans and vegetarians thanks to their high amounts of plant-based protein and nutrients.

Studies show that chickpea and / or hummus consumers have a higher nutrient intake of dietary fiber, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C, folate, magnesium, potassium, and iron compared to non-consumers.

Why hummus is generally vegan

The standard ingredients that are used to make hummus – chickpeas, tahini, olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and sometimes garlic – are all plant-based and naturally vegan. However, with the rise in popularity of hummus in grocery stores and restaurant menus, some brands and chefs are beginning to experiment with more unique variations of classic hummus (although most of these are also vegan).

Some popular brands like Hope Hummus make sure that all of their products are vegan and have not been processed with any animal products. A quick scan of the ingredient list will be all it takes to make sure your hummus is truly vegan.

When is hummus not vegan?

Whether homemade or store-bought, a handful of hummus brands may contain dairy products like cheese or yogurt, although this is definitely rare. For example, some brands may include Parmesan cheese in their pesto-flavored hummus.

Sugar is another common ingredient that can appear in commercial hummus recipes. Cane sugar is often refined using a charcoal filtration process, which many vegans find incompatible with their food preferences.

Another factor to consider is hummus with “natural flavors” listed as an ingredient, which may indicate products that are not vegan or vegetarian, such as egg, dairy, meat, seafood, or poultry flavors. Look for the “vegan” label on your hummus in this case.

Sabra, for example, is one of the most common brands of hummus found in grocery stores. The company lists some of its hummus flavors as vegan and some as simply vegetarian, making it easy for consumers to check the package and find out if the specific variety is vegan. Some popular Sabra flavors that are vegan include classic, jalapeño, lemon twist, olive tapenade, and simply roasted organic garlic, while non-vegan flavors include Greek-inspired and tacos (both include natural flavors and non-organic sugar).

Did you know

Hummus can be as good for the earth as it is for your health. Along with lentils, peas, and other beans, chickpeas are legumes or an edible seed that grows in a pod as part of the legume family. Legumes have been shown to play an important role in crop rotation by fixing their own nitrogen from the atmosphere and adding nutritional value to the soil.

How to make sure your hummus is vegan?

Although hummus is typically vegan and is advertised as such by most companies, some go a step further and go through the process of getting certified by an official organization like Vegan Action.

Cedar’s entire line of food hummus flavors, for example, is certified vegan. Similarly, Prommus offers only vegan certified varieties of hummus, as does Delighted By (dessert hummus kits). Additional brands can be found by searching the database.

If the hummus you are interested in tasting contains sugar, a sure way to ensure that the sweet ingredient is not processed with charcoal is to look for the “certified organic” label. According to USDA regulations, certified organic sugar should not be charcoal filtered.

The most popular hummus brands offer an organic variety or feature a full line of organic products, such as Sabra, Boar’s Head, Hope, and Cava.

Frequent questions

  • Does the hummus go bad?

    Most hummus will last about a week in the refrigerator after it has been opened, however it is always safe to check the label for exact recommendations.

  • Is hummus glutten free?

    Hummus that uses traditional ingredients should be naturally gluten-free, although some store-bought hummus may be cross-contaminated or use preservatives / fillers that are not considered gluten-free.

  • Is chocolate hummus vegan?

    A popular variety of hummus that has appeared in recent years is chocolate hummus, most of which use the classic hummus ingredients (cooked chickpeas, oil, tahini, salt) supplemented with sugar and cocoa.

    The most important thing to consider here is whether or not these varieties add dairy and whether or not the sugar is processed with charcoal.

  • How to make your own tahini?

    Hummus is relatively simple to make, and since you don’t need to store or incorporate it into plastic containers like store-bought varieties, it’s often better for the environment to make your own.

    If you don’t have tahini or can’t find it at your local store, you can try making it yourself by grinding sesame seeds in a food processor with a little oil until the mixture reaches a creamy consistency.