Learn through nature with Homegrown Organics – Masters of Fresh school holiday workshops | Port Macquarie News

news, breaking news, Homegrown Organics, Masters of Fresh, workshops, Desley Bailey, Rod Bailey, off the grid, school vacation workshops

Building resilience is more important than ever in these uncertain times. The nature-based school holiday farming workshops offered through Homegrown Organics: Masters of Fresh will help children and families build resilience and confidence as they experience the great outdoors. Desley and Rod Bailey, with the help of their 16-year-old son Jack, will lead the workshops in January. Desley said they decided to share their property with the youth and families through the experiences of the workshop. “Nature teaches us a lot,” he said. “It teaches us a lot about the weather, it teaches us to resist and how to deal with the unexpected.” Read more: What’s up: Your event guide on Desley’s North Shore said that time spent in nature helps build confidence in children, something that cannot be achieved by sitting indoors. Children who have grown up in the wild will have fun on their own and develop an inner joy and peace hard to find anywhere else, he said. The three workshops are children in the bush, children in the garden and families under the stars. They are designed to develop a greater appreciation and love for nature and healthy food, promote practical and critical thinking skills, and build resilience and confidence. A separate workshop for adults will focus on life off the grid at a time when many people are trading city life for jungle amid the pandemic. Desley said moving from the city to the country could be a big shock for some people and a big learning curve. Rod will share his extensive country life experience during the workshop to help make the transition to rural life easier for newcomers. Homegrown Organics: Masters of Fresh has just under a hectare of land under intensive agriculture in the Upper Rollands Plains. The family grows organic vegetables that they sell directly to customers through markets or home deliveries. Customers come from Bonny Hills to Bellingen. “Our entire business revolves around providing families with what we believe will help them be successful and happy,” Desley said. Our journalists work hard to bring up-to-date local news to the community. Here’s how you can continue to access our trusted content: Bookmark our website Make sure you are signed in to receive our breaking newsletters and regular headlines You can support us with a subscription Follow us on Twitter: @portmacnews Follow us on Instagram: @ portmacnews Follow us on Google News
