Lessons from the Pandemic: Staying Healthy In 2022

In the wake of the global pandemic, most, if not all of us are looking for ways to boost our immune systems, ways to fend off disease and just want to overall, stay health.

You are what you eat, your body’s capacity to fend off attacks from pathogens like the Coronovirus, to withstand pollution such as air contamination in cities and even your ability to heal from an external wound, all depend on, what you eat.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), most people who fall ill with COVID-19 experience mild to moderate symptoms and recover without special treatment. However, some will become seriously ill and require medical attention.

The difference between falling only mildly sick and recovering without hospitalization and needing medical attention boils down to your immune system which is directly related to what you eat and your lifestyle.

If there is one thing Africa learned from the pandemic is the importance of healthy organic foods. There was not a time that Africa dug back to their roots for traditional healing recipes such as during the pandemic.

It is now common knowledge that organic foods are the best to build your body’s immunity and more so eating raw, fresh fruits, berries, vegetables etc considerably help the body regenerate and fight attacks from disease.

Africa was not the only place that went about searching for what food and plant remedies would help them heal if or rather when infected and better yet, to keep them from getting infected in the first place.

A study of Google search trends from last year showed that most of us were looking for ways to heal with health and wellbeing-focused terms showing some of the highest spikes.

This energy does not have to end just because the year did. What better way to begin 2022 than stronger, healthier, and on a better footing to face all challenges ahead?

And getting on the path to a better you need not be as overwhelming as many New Year’s resolutions eventually end up being. Identifying suitable healthy goals and establishing positive habits can be simple and it begins with you, right at home.

Setting the foundation for a healthier you

Big fitness ambitions usually fall by the wayside within a month or so, not out of lack of good intentions, but because they are often too vague, too long term, too ambitious, or too hard to maintain.

Thus, before you immediately hit the nearest gym or jump on the latest diet trend, remember that an excellent first step is getting the foundations right, even before you even head out the door!

Start understanding what health goals you’d like to achieve and list them down. More importantly, how realistic and achievable are these goals, and what short-term steps would you need to get there?

Other points to consider include the possible challenges, whether external forces or your weaknesses and temptations, that could sabotage your mission.

Following that, what habits, tools, and practices will you need in your daily routine to help you achieve the changes you desire?

Stay hydrated: You are 70pct water

If there is one goal you need to make this year is to drink more water. It’s well and good to make weight loss or run the marathon a mission. But how do we ensure our body functions efficiently enough to get us to the finishing line?

It’s no secret that water is essential for the body. It’s the elixir that keeps us hydrated, maintains our body temperature, gets rid of waste, keeps our joints lubricated, and in short, ensures our body and its organs run like a well-oiled machine.

Yet, the truth is that most adults do not consume enough water in a day for a variety of reasons. Some get so wrapped up in the rat race they simply forget, while others find it hard to keep track of their water intake.

Yet some simply do not know how much water to drink in a day. The rule of thumb is 2.7 to 3.7 liters of fluids a day. Of course, this comes from water, beverages, and even food, which accounts for around 20% of our daily fluid intake.

So to get to a healthier start in 2022, why not make ensuring an adequate daily intake of water one of your goals for the year?

If wellbeing is the name of the game, you can also take steps to ensure the water you consume is free from chemicals and pollutants.

If safe bottled water is not an option, boiling water to remove disease-causing organisms and other matters is the next smart step.

Food Management: Don’t just Eat, Eat Right

We just mentioned the need to drink enough water every single day, however how safe is the water you drink, so it’s not just eating but eating right.

A lot of the water around us, particularly tap water is contaminated with bacteria and viruses, as well as microplastics and other fine sediments, chemicals, and heavy metals.

It is vital to take cognizance of your exercise and health goals to determine what you need to do in terms of your food intake.

Implementing sustainable meal habits, such as maintaining a plant-based diet, can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and diabetes and guide you to achieving your health goals for this year.

Does Your Work Environment Support Your Health Goals?

If you answered no to the above question and you are an employee, then you have all the more reason to better plan your eating habits and overall health routine.

For example, if you work in a dusty environment then you should wear a mask or if your colleagues at work are on a starch heavy diet you should plan on buying more fruits.

Better yet is forming food clubs or teams at work, so you can rotate on your daily menus ie suggest healthier diet to your co-workers.

However, creating and sustaining healthy food habits is less daunting when you have company.

So if you are an employer or self employed then consider the following outstanding example by QNET which has policies to ensure a healthy work environment including a ‘meat free’ rule to ensure staff eat healthy.

The firm champions meat-free, and sustainable policies in the office and this makes it easier for employees to begin their journey to better health and wellbeing through a collective movement.

It also has an innovative weight management program called BELITE123 that helps maintain metabolism, suppress hunger, detox the body, and build immunity in a simple three-part step that’s easy to incorporate into your daily routine.

Relying on a host of natural ingredients such as green tea, berries, African mango, and peppermint, BELITE123 also improves gut health and the body’s cholesterol levels.

The main tip is to do your research first and ensure the diet you pick aligns with your individual needs, wants, and lifestyle.

Always do regular checks with doctors or nutritionists to make sure you’re keeping healthy.
