Mediterranean diet food list and 7-day meal plan

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  • The Mediterranean diet is a great plan for people who want to make long-term changes to their eating habits.

    Over the years, numerous studies have shown people living in the Mediterranean have one of the longest life expectancy rates in the world. Much of this is credited to their diet, which is why more and more people are turning to this healthy way of eating.

    The Mediterranean diet is recognized as being one of the diets that work fast for weight loss. In addition, researchers have also shown that it can have positive benefits on your long-term health.

    Nutritional therapist Anna Mapson explains why: “The Mediterranean diet shows benefits for blood pressure, weight loss, type 2 diabetes, lowering cholesterol and heart disease. The high intake of fiber can feed the gut microbiome which helps with immunity, digestion and a healthy weight.”

    What is the Mediterranean diet?

    The Mediterranean diet involves following the eating habits of people who live in countries including Greece, Italy and Spain. While it does vary slightly by region, it generally involves eating a large amount of fresh fruit and vegetables. A variety of whole grains, which is one of the foods that boost energy, and a moderate amount of fish is also encouraged. As are healthy fats such as olive oil, nuts and seeds.

    The Mediterranean diet food list is easy to follow. While it is high in macronutrients, including carbohydrates and protein, the main fat is found in the extra virgin olive oil and nuts. Diary and eggs are recommended at a moderate level and red meat should be more limited.

    The relaxed Mediterranean way of life means that people who live there tend to take time over their meals, eating slowly and enjoying them with family and friends. This extends to their attitude towards alcohol too and the Mediterranean diet permits a small amount of red wine, which should be sipped slowly with a meal.

    According to the NHS’ Eat Well advice, the Mediterranean diet has been linked with good health, including a healthier heart.

    healthy mediterranean diet

    Credit: Getty

    Following the Mediterranean diet has also been shown as a good way to lose weight and is considered to be a healthy plan to follow.

    Anna, who runs Goodness Me Nutrition, says: The fats in the Mediterranean diet are healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated, which are associated with a healthy cardiovascular state. The restriction of red meat can also help colon health, as high intakes of red processed meats are associated with cardiovascular disease and colon cancer.”

    Followers also find it to be less restrictive than other diets such as intermittent fasting plans like the 16:8 diet or the 5:2 diet.

    Mediterranean diet food list

    The Mediterranean diet food list is easy to follow.

    These foods can be eaten every day:

    • Fruits – Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, dates, figs, apples, oranges, pears, pomegranate, passion fruit, kiwis, avocados, etc.
    • Vegetables – Peppers, aubergines, courgettes, tomatoes, spinach, garlic, sweet potatoes, potatoes, carrots, beans, broccoli, etc.
    • Wholegrains – Wholegrain bread, brown rice, buckwheat, quinoa, bulgarian wheat, whole oats, etc.
    • Legumes – Beans, lentils, chickpeas (including hummus)
    • tofu
    • Unsalted and unsweetened nuts (eat in moderation) – Cashews, hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, walnut, pistachios, etc.
    • Seeds – Pumpkin, chia, sunflower, poppy, sesame, etc.
    • Extra virgin olive oil and olives

    These foods should be eaten just once or twice a week:

    • Fish – Salmon, tuna, cod, haddock, plaice, seabass, white fish, etc.
    • Shellfish – Prawns, crab, lobster, mussels, oysters, scallops, etc.
    • Poultry – Chicken, turkey, duck, quail, etc.
    • eggs
    • Cheese – Feta, brie, cottage cheese, ricotta, etc.
    • Greek yoghurt
    • Whole-wheat pasta or couscous

    These foods should be eaten rarely, so once or twice a month:

    • Red meat – Beef, lamb, pork, veal, venison, etc.
    • margarine/butter
    • brown sugar

    What to drink on the Mediterranean diet:

    • Daily: Still or sparkling water, tea, coffee
    • Occasionally: Milk, red wine
    • Rarely: Fruit juice, fizzy drinks, cocktails

    One of the benefits of the Mediterranean diet is that it is something which can be enjoyed by the whole family. So you don’t need to worry about preparing different dishes for everyone.

    Anna says: Include lots of colorful vegetables and fruits high in fiber, such as spinach, peppers, tomatoes and garlic, as well as seafood, fish and poultry.

    “Choose wholegrains such as brown bread and pasta, and a variety of oils, spices, nuts and seeds. Include a moderate amount of dairy, eggs and a small amount of red meat.”

    Mediterranean diet foods to avoid

    The Mediterranean diet recommends avoiding processed foods that are high in sugar and salt. These include:

    • Processed meat – Bacon, sausages, ham, salami, chicken nuggets, etc.
    • Prepackaged microwave meals
    • Refined grains – white bread, white pasta, white rice, etc.
    • chips and crisps
    • sweets and chocolate

    Studies have shown that ultra-processed food can increase the risk of cardiovascular and coronary heart disease.

    Anna recommends: “Processed high energy density foods such as sausages, chips, crisps, and high sugar foods like chocolate and cakes should be avoided on the Mediterranean diet.”

    If you find it difficult to cut red meat or processed food out of your diet, a good idea is to opt for vegetarian meals once or twice a week.

    What are the benefits of the Mediterranean diet?

    The benefits of the Mediterranean diet are that it can help you lose weight, improve your overall health and is easy to follow. So rather than spending your time counting calories, you simply make healthy swaps with your food choices. Firstly, reduce your meat intake and increase the amount of fish you eat. Secondly, use olive oil instead of butter. Thirdly, and most importantly, eat more fresh fruit and vegetables and less processed and sugary food.

    In turn, not only will this help you to lose weight, it will also be more healthy for your body in the long run. Este study found that people who follow a Mediterranean diet have a reduced risk of heart disease. Meanwhile, this research discovered it lowers the chance of having a stroke.

    Olive oil and vegetables

    Credit: Getty

    Mediterranean diet 7-day meal plan

    Remember when choosing food for your Mediterranean diet 7-day meal plan that you can look for recipes from countries like Greece, Italy, Spain, Morocco and Turkey that adhere to the principles above. Here is an example 7-day meal plan:


    breakfast- Natural yoghurt with honey, nuts and dried fruit

    lunch- bean and pepper salad

    Snack – Hummus with cucumber and carrot sticks

    dinner- Halibut with oven-roasted tomatoes, basil and tapenade


    breakfast- banana smoothie

    lunch- Lentil fritters with raita

    Snack – Mixed berries, such as strawberries, raspberries, blueberries or cherries

    dinner- vegetarian moussaka


    breakfast- poached egg and smashed avocado on wholemeal toast

    lunch- greek salad

    Snack – Red pepper and celery sticks

    dinner- Black pasta with cherry tomatoes and prawns


    Breakfast – Porridge with blueberries

    lunch- veggie kebabs

    Snack – Crispy kale (baked with salt and pepper)

    dinner- Roasted peppers with spiced beans and goat’s cheese served with brown rice


    Breakfast – Grilled mushrooms and tomatoes with a side of wilted spinach

    lunch- pesto roasted vegetables

    Snack – Mixed sunflower and pumpkin seeds

    dinner- Grilled sea bass with Greek dressing


    breakfast- scrambled eggs and fresh tomatoes

    lunch- Roast pepper, olive and feta pasta salad (with wholemeal pasta)

    Snack – Mixed Nuts

    dinner- cauliflower pizza


    Breakfast – Carrot and orange smoothie

    lunch- Greek-style stuffed chicken and salad

    Snack – Whole grain pita bread dipped in olive oil or hummus

    dinner- Italian cabbage and white bean stew

    video of the week