Mistakes You’re Making At Your Local Farmers Market

A mistake we often make at the farmers market is buying too much. We might get so much produce that we couldn’t possibly cook it all before some of it begins to go bad. Other times, we may end up with fruits or vegetables we are unfamiliar with. This leaves us guessing what to make with our farmers market haul leftovers. To avoid this problem, you should plan what meals you’d like to make ahead of time.

That doesn’t mean you have to put creativity on hold. There are plenty of plant-based recipes to inspire your trips to the farmers market. Salads are an obvious way to start. These dishes use kale, arugula, or other lettuce. Vegetable sandwiches are also good. Put those tomatoes, peppers, or mushrooms in there. There’s also soup — gazpachos are a good choice for those warm farmers market months. Vegetarian quesadillas, tacos, enchiladas, and more are just a few more inventive farmers market recipes to try. They also are great for making big batches, so you could even host a dinner party to get rid of the rest of your produce.

For an additional hack, take note of which fruits and vegetables last the longest. That way, if you can’t use something immediately, you’ll have time to use it before it begins to rot. Fruits with impressive longevity include apples, limes, and oranges. Likewise, vegetables with staying power include cabbage, carrots, beets, sweet potato, and cauliflower.