My alternative guide to the art of living

Reflecting on the best way to prepare for life next year, the decade indeed? You can enroll in a course at one of France’s most famous political science faculties, where students have been queuing for a new course on the nation’s “art de vivre” – the essence of the Gallic way of life. Lecturers and professors from Sciences Po Lille in northern France have formulated modules on food technology, food safety, plant-based “meat”, the power of organic labels, sexism in the kitchen, umami and something called “gastro- diplomacy”.

The school sent a student this week to promote the courses to the rest of the world and Clémence Ricart, who says the course is called BMV, short for “boire, manger, vivre,” told Le Monde: “It’s a course of mastery that unites us around a passion: the world of gastronomy and food ”. Ricart added: “Given the climate emergency, food will be at the center of global challenges.”

Indeed, it is as if President Macron is once again trying to galvanize France’s reputation as a leader in gastronomy to secure its place in the world. Many perceive that the nation has lost its crown of culinary superiority in recent years, as international tastes have trampled on its traditions, fast food reigns supreme across the country, and trends in Asian flavors and leaner cooking methods put the brake even more.

So, will France reign supreme again? We must not feel threatened by such a waving of flags. We must deflate this jingoistic souffle infused in Comté. And, if you are tempted to jump over the Canal and enroll in these courses (and good luck with that, with your PCR testing and passenger locator form and the blanket ban on Brits from traveling to France), think about it. new. With the New Year upon us, I am here to save you the hassle of enrolling in a three-year course on food and drink in all its forms. Because here is Sitwell’s Totally Random Guide to Drinking, Eating, and Living. As we say to students in the new week: read it, cry and conquer the world.

Declutter (the drink table)

Since it’s important to tidy your home right now, start with the drink table or closet. See all those gooey, weird little bottle of red currant-scented sloe gin you have in your sock? Gather it all together, pour it into a pan, add old mandarin oranges, that cinnamon stick on the Christmas tree, and whatever wine is left on the bottom of the bottles that may be around the house. Bring it to a simmer and invite all your hideous neighbors to drink it.


Dry January? Instead, drink the dry month. Dry white wine that is. I once asked my great-uncle’s former assistant, the writer Osbert Sitwell, about his late employer’s drinking habits. “For the last 15 years of his life, Sir Osbert never drank,” Frank Magro told me. “Really,” I said. “Didn’t he even come?”

“But of course,” Magro replied quickly, “Sir Osbert drank wine.” Since then, I have worked to take on that mantle of sobriety by just trying to drink wine. Or champagne, which is wine. As is the port. And sherry.

Cold tonic

Always chill your tonic water. This requires less ice, therefore less dilution of good gin. (A Fishers gin and Double Dutch tonic, if you ask, with dried orange and hand-picked sea herbs – not for me, of course. I only drink wine, see above).

Eat at round tables
