Naturally Organic – Hertfordshire’s only fully organic store

12:39 PM February 22, 2022

Did you know Hatfield is home to Hertfordshire’s only completely organic store? We spoke to the owner of Naturally Organic to find out more about the exciting venture.

Owned by Poornima Kuram, the store at 26B Town Center opened in February and has already proved a big success.

“Business has been good, and now the word is getting out about us we have people from towns in the surrounding area coming to shop with us,” she said.

Naturally Organic

Naturally Organic has a growing range of more than 4,000 products.
– Credit: Poornima Kuram

“Things have been positive and we introduced more and more into our range and we should have more than 5,000 products available by the end of the month.

“We are the only certified organic store in the whole county. There are a few stores around that claim to be organic, but we are 100 per cent organic, as confirmed by The Soil Association.

“Whatever you have at conventional supermarkets, we have the organic version here, including alcohol.”

With plenty for shoppers to choose from, including an organic vegan and gluten free range, Poornima admitted their wine selection has been a favorite with customers.

Naturally Organic

Naturally Organic’s wine selection has proven popular with shoppers.
– Credit: Poornima Kuram

“Fruit and vegetables have of course been popular,” she said.

“Wines are going really well too because it’s very hard to find organic wine in most supermarkets.

“Meat does well too, and bread, which is also baked locally in Hertfordshire.”

Inspired by her and her husband’s farming background, Poornima wants to continue growing Naturally Organic and help people see the benefits of switching to organic.

“We want to get the word out about us and to get more people to eat organic, so we want to do well on the personal side for our customers as well as the business side,” she admitted.

Naturally Organic

Poornima runs the store with her husband.
– Credit: Poornima Kuram

“Our passion is food. My husband and I come from a farming background so we know how important organic can be.

“In the UK, there aren’t many organic stores, but if you go to Europe they are everywhere, and even the normal supermarkets have big organic ranges.

“I hope people starting looking at organic as a viable option. You might be able to go to a supermarket and buy milk for £1. You go to an organic store and it costs around £1.50, but there’s no additives or chemicals.

“It’s better for you, you know what you’re putting into your body and that’s why people are switching to organic.”