NEW STUDY: Conventional food prices catching up to organic foods

(ABC4) – Adopting healthier eating habits can sometimes come at a higher price, which is why some people don’t even try to browse the organic section of the grocery store. This may change soon, as a new study found that conventional food prices are rising at a much faster rate than organic costs, a new study shows.

Healthy eating has gradually become a lifestyle for some and a fad for others. Buying organic food may become the norm for some shoppers because of a study that found steep price increases among non-organic beef, chicken, pork, dairy, and non-organic fruits and vegetables.

Conventional foods have increased by an average of 13.9%, while organic foods have increased 1.6% in costs since 2019.

From 2019 to 2021, the foods with the fastest growing conventional prices are broccoli, boneless skinless chicken breast, Granny Smith apples and milk.

Conventional broccoli saw a whopping 141.3% price increase, while organic broccoli saw a 24.9% price increase.

If you had brought organic broccoli in 2019, it would have cost you $ 2.10 / pound compared to the cost of $ 2.61 / pound in 2021. That’s a difference of 0.51 cents. In 2019, conventional broccoli cost 0.63 / pound and jumped to $ 1.52.

The conventional boneless skinless chicken breast has had a price increase of 43.8%, while the organic version has had a change of -2.2%.

By far, the study found that conventional dairy products have risen the fastest since 2019, followed by non-organic products and then different cuts of normal chicken.

You won’t have to change gears just yet because despite the rising costs of conventional foods, organic foods are still more expensive than their counterparts.

You can find the full study here.
