NJ braces for another serious shortage… Girl Scout S’mores!

When will the madness end?

Look, we’re Jersey Strong, sure. We made it through Superstorm Sandy, didn’t we? We made it through a pandemic we hope is now mostly behind us.

But we lost businesses. Suffered supply chain disruptions. Deal with labor shortages, masking, division over vaccines.

We’ve been getting by with long delays for new cars because of chip shortages. Eight-month waits for refrigerators. Slow repairs because of parts shortages. Hell, even cheesecake problems from cream cheese shortages.

But when Girl Scout cookies fall into the supply chain abyss you know New Jersey has reached its breaking point. Yes, a specific type of Girl Scout cookie is hard to come by.


I suppose you can thank the fact that it wasn’t Thin Mints that disappeared for the lack of rioting in the streets. S’mores are favored by only 3% of Americans when it comes to favorite Girl Scout cookies. Thin Mints is the overwhelming favorite at 24%. So consider this a pain we will get through and not a complete breakdown of society.

But still. It hurts. Is it too much to ask after all this COVID-19 pain for a couple of comfort cookies? Apparently.

Girl Scouts Sell Cookies From Street Trucks In New York City

Photo by John Moore/Getty Images

It’s all because a bakery in Louisville, Kentucky, is having labor issues and difficulties finding ingredients for the tasty snack. Little Brownie Bakers has been a supplier for Girl Scout cookies for many years. It’s one of two major suppliers.

Girl Scouts USA is trying to put a positive spin on it, with a spokesperson Kelly Parisi saying, “We anticipate some councils will be largely unaffected, while other councils and girls may not reach their cookie goals. Girl Scouts of the USA is working with our baker to mitigate the impact to councils, troops, girls and customers.”

Try telling that to the guy who’s gone fetal position in a dark living room because his wife just lost her job for her fear of needles and his beater car can’t be repaired because a mechanic can’t find a part and all he wants is a S’mores to ease his pain.

Walk it off you say? OKAY. Alright. Just wait until they come for your Thin Mints.

Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski only.

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