Opt For A Healthy Organic Breakfast Over A Conventional One


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The pandemic may have cut off travel for the time being, but housework and office chores continue to reign in horror. It is essential to refuel well in the morning to spend the day feeling optimistic in this scenario. Give the adage of eating breakfast “like a queen” a magical makeover. Go organic. Remember, it’s not just quantity that you need to focus on, but also quality to make sure you’re getting the most out of your morning meal. And what better way than to switch to organic goodness? Dr. Ameen Noorul, Naturopath, Organic India, tells us how to make the simple but effective change first thing in the morning to recharge your day …

Effect of switching from conventional to organic food


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Research has shown that switching from conventional foods to organic foods has a measurable benefit for the body. A study conducted by the Swedish Institute for Environmental Research IVL in a family for three weeks showed significantly reduced exposure to pesticides in the body when eating organic food. The presence of pesticides to increase the shelf life of products damages the long-term functioning of our body. Organophosphate, a compound in these pesticides, is linked to developmental problems like autism and ADHD. So the sooner you switch to organic, the safer.

Why choose organic breakfast?


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In order to fulfill your daily tasks in the best mental and physical way and not have your mind and body fatigued during the day, you need to make sure that what you eat for breakfast is not just empty calories. The first meal of the day should have all the natural nutrients and micronutrients, vitamins and minerals, just as nature intended, without the toxins being compromised. This is where organic foods score high.

– Grown without the use of chemicals and fertilizers, organic plant products are completely non-toxic. Livestock raised on organic pastures and free of antibiotics makes for organic meat and dairy, also free of toxins.

– Since no chemical preservatives are used, food must be eaten fresh, ensuring you get the nutrients in the best possible way.

– Food cannot travel long distances without preservatives, so you end up eating local seasonal products, which have optimal nutrition and have been recommended, even in Ayurvedic texts.

– And because food is how nature intended it, it tastes great, even if it doesn’t look the best.

Maximum nutrient requirements at breakfast


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After a night of fasting, your body needs a good start from the best possible combination of nutrients.
Breakfast meals are the first source of calcium, iron, and B vitamins your body gets after an overnight fast. Protein, fiber, and much-needed nutrients are also supplied to the body when breakfast is eaten within two to three hours of waking up. Healthy eating later in the day does not make up for this loss. Breakfast is known to restore glucose levels in your body and ensure that your brain functions optimally throughout the day. Therefore, if you eat a large breakfast, you will be satiated for a long time. Otherwise, there is a tendency to snack on sugary, carbohydrate-rich snacks that leads to weight gain. Therefore, a good nutritious breakfast also helps to keep your weight in check.

Refresh your breakfast menu


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Try modifying your food to be completely organic. Certified organic honey, nuts and fruits, cereals, eggs are some of the foods that make breakfast healthy. Wash it with your choice of organic herbal tea.

Read also: CookAtHome: Bajre Ki Khichdi and Choulai Saag

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