Organic food in France not always ‘better quality’ study finds

Not all organic foods are of ‘better quality’ than their non-organic counterparts, a study of a leading French consumer group has found.

The consumer magazine 60 million consumers compared 13 organic food products to their closest non-organic equivalents from the same brand. He found that nine were of better quality, but in the other four cases the non-organic versions were of higher quality.

The study analyzed foods based on the contents listed.


Where non-organic foods won out was because they contained more of the main ingredient. For instance:

  • A non-organic Jacquet brand sliced ​​whole wheat loaf contained 63% whole wheat flour, compared to just 19% in a comparable Jacquet Bio brand organic loaf.
  • A non-organic cream of vegetable soup from Knorr contained 51.3% vegetables and 46.5% water, compared to 40% vegetables and 55% water for the organic equivalent. The non-organic version also contained slightly more fiber and less saturated fat.

Sophie Coisne, science journalist and series coordinator, said: “It was a big surprise, for two soups that are roughly the same price.”

The nine organic foods that gained in quality also did so largely for the same reason: more of the main ingredient.

  • Carrefour Bio’s organic chocolate mousse contained 23% dark chocolate and fewer additives than the equivalent non-organic version, which contained 5.5% dark chocolate.

Ms. Coisne said: “[In the organic mousse] You will find chocolate, then egg, then sugar, then butter. So a real chocolate mousse. But in the non-organic mousse of the same brand. [Carrefour], the first ingredient is milk. The second is cream. And then emulsifiers. “

The comparison of the two types of products also shows “other more subtle tricks”, which are especially notable among pasta, filled ravioli, lasagna and pizza.

Ms. Coisne explained: “[Non-organic ones] have less padding and toppings [because] These are brands that are trying to tightly restrict their prices. And what is expensive in an organic pizza? The dressings “.

Studies show that 73% of people in France consume at least one organic product per month and 13% do so every day.

In France, there are two “official” organic logos: AB and Eurofeuille.

Both show that the product has not been treated with synthetic pesticides, nor does it include any genetically modified materials.

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