Organic Forrest – The Echo

David Forrest and Sue Mangan of Forrest Organic: Stay healthy, people!

Pioneers of the organic food movement, David Forrest and Sue Mangan have been farming at Federal since 1978. As a community, we are fortunate to have their incredible knowledge available through their Organic Forrest booth at farmers’ markets. His son, Dougal, recently joined the team and continues the family tradition of growing certified organic produce on his farm, also in Federal.

With an agriculture degree from Hawkesbury Ag College, David knew the industrial farming system was headed in the wrong direction and was determined to grow food sustainably. After purchasing a former dairy farm, the couple set about planting 20,000 native trees and created a produce farm, turning their dreams of living off the land organically into reality.

Organic Forrest produces a wide range of seasonal vegetables, salad greens, macadamia nuts, wild foods, potatoes, ginger, garlic, citrus and flowers, kombucha and jamu. To deal with pests David ensures a biodiverse habitat, with healthy plants resistant to pests and diseases.

Always active in the organic industry, David previously worked with NASAA (Australian National Sustainable Agriculture Association) assisting in the development of organic standards. Teaching agriculture at TAFE, David developed the curriculum for their organic agriculture training course, which is still available as a state program. Now retired from TAFE, he works as an occasional teacher and tutor at SCU.

David strongly believes in a circular economy and the importance of safe and reliable access to healthy food. To do this, it needs alliances with consumers, hence its decision to sell through farmers’ markets. Supermarkets, he explains, by supporting commercial agriculture add to environmental degradation and climate change.

Dougal and Hannah are at the New Brighton Farmers Markets from 7 to 11 am on Tuesdays, and David and Su are at the Mullumbimby Farmers Markets from 7 to 11 am on Fridays. Stop by to talk about your organic gardening with these organic hobbyists.