Organic Produce for Pregnancy

What about all the labels? Organic. Non GMO. Everything natural. It’s certainly confusing and overwhelming, especially when what you consume during pregnancy has an impact on your little one. A recent article pointed out three important facts based on recent research:

  • There is a 94% reduction in health risks from eating the organic form of fruits that are heavily sprayed with pesticides.
  • One week on an organic diet reduces pesticide exposure in adults by 90%
  • Monsanto Bt toxin shown to cross placenta to fetus

What does this mean?

Today, unless you’re eating pounds and pounds of fruits and vegetables, you probably aren’t “ingesting” significant amounts of pesticides. But when it comes to pregnancy, it’s important to be smart about your exposure levels. It is also important to understand which products are at risk from a significant amount of pesticide use / exposure.

The EWG publishes a list of Dirty Dozen products, as well as key research findings. Use this list as a guide to buying organic so you’re not just spending more money on what you assume is high-quality, but isn’t. This article is not intended to scare you, but to encourage you to make better decisions when choosing fruits and vegetables for consumption.

Eating healthy spans various spectra, and choosing organic is just one of many ways you can be proactive not only during pregnancy but beyond.

Image source.

fruits and vegetables, groceries, Anita Mirchandani, organic, nutrition, wellness, health, brandedsynacor2020