Pandemic sparks love for nature and organic produce

New research has revealed a shift in the nation’s eating habits, as half (52 percent) of Britons report a new appreciation for nature and the great outdoors.

For those who have found that spending more time in nature has affected what they consume, nearly half now prefer to eat organic as a result.

1 in 4 have even considered looking for their own ingredients, a figure that rises to nearly 42 percent for people ages 35 to 44.

This growing affection for nature has also led 41% to cook with fresher, more natural ingredients, as well as encouraging 36% to buy ingredients that are better for the environment, including shopping locally and searching for packaged food products. In recyclable materials.

Since the start of the pandemic, the British have consumed more fruits (31 percent), vegetables (30 percent) and eggs (24 percent), and the organic egg brand, Purely Organic, which conducted the research, has seen Quadruple sales compared to the previous year. last year.

Chef Gizzi Erskine, who works with Purely Organic, said: “I have long been a huge advocate for organic food and will choose to cook my meals with organic ingredients whenever possible. It’s great to see that I’m not alone, as research shows that 21 percent of us are now trying to use more organic ingredients. I was also very surprised to see that over the past year, more people have perfected cooking an egg than baking banana bread; Eggs, it turns out, were the true champions of the pandemic! I certainly love using them in my kitchen. “

Purely Organic is working with Gizzi Erskine to inspire people to continue exploring their newfound love of being immersed in nature, beyond the confinement. This starts in the kitchen, making organic food as accessible as possible. Keep your eyes peeled for Gizzi’s recipes, the first of which will be posted on Instagram accounts @gizzierskine and @purelyorganiceggs. They will also be hosted on the Purely Organic website at:
