Peeps Show in March at Peddler’s Village in Lahaska, PA

Get ready for the Peeps show at Peddler’s Village. Don’t worry, you won’t have to hide the kids’ eyes for this one. LOL.

A Peddler’s Village Press Release revealed that The 3rd annual “Peeps in the Village” competition and show will run from March 11th through April 1st. Yup, Peeps…the cute, gooey, marshmallow treat.

Don’t miss it…it’s so colorful and fun. Last year, there were over 100 entries to check out. You can vote for your favorites on the Peddler’s Village app in three categories….diorama, sculpture, and 2D wall art. Winners will be announced April 5th.

You and your family & friends can walk through the whimsical display near Earl’s New American.

Peddler’s Village

Peddler’s Village

Want to give it a try? You can still enter your creation until March 2nd. There are cash prizes up for grabs.

Joe Albert, Director of Festivals and Events at Peddler’s Village said in a press release, “Since our first Peeps show in 2019, the event has become enormously popular. Last year we had more than a hundred entries and welcomed 80,000 visitors who came to see the six-week show.We are always struck by the incredible creativity on display for this event, which is a terrific spring complement to our long-established scarecrow display in the fall and our gingerbread display during the holidays.We are looking forward to seeing what Peeps themes emerge this year.”

Did you know Peeps are made in Pennsylvania? Oh, just wait until you see the creations. My family have been for the past two years, and every creation is amazing. I’ve never seen so many Peeps in my life. LOL. If you’ve seen the gingerbread competition at Peddler’s Village during the holidays, it’s the same thing, but, with Peeps.

This is definitely something to look forward to this spring.

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