Should you go organic? – Harvard Health

l1015e16207252568205Organic produce may have less pesticide residue than conventionally grown produce. But the amounts for both are within levels for safe consumption.

Image: Thinkstock

These foods are grown without fertilizers, pesticides, and other synthetic additives. But are they better for you?

Walk through any grocery store today and you’ll probably see more shelf space dedicated to organic produce: foods that are grown without most synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, and animal products that do not contain antibiotics or hormones. The demand for organic foods has increased, with sales reaching $ 35.9 billion in 2014. “I think people think these foods are better for them, but we really don’t know if they are,” says registered dietitian Kathy. McManus, director of the Department of Nutrition at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

What is the rumor about?

Organic farming aims to preserve natural resources, support animal health and well-being, and avoid most synthetic materials. It is not just a philosophy; USDA regulates the organic industry with strict standards. The soil where crops are grown must be inspected and shown to be free of most synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, and the crops cannot have been genetically modified. Animals raised on organic farms do not receive antibiotics or growth hormones, they receive food that has been organically grown and can roam outdoors. Processed organic foods should not contain synthetic additives.

The USDA then certifies organic crops, animal products, and processed foods. Only foods that are 95% organic can bear a “USDA Organic” seal.

Are there any benefits?

While organic foods have fewer synthetic fertilizers and pesticides and are hormone and antibiotic free, they do not appear to have nutritional advantage over their conventional counterparts. “There have been a number of studies looking at macro and micronutrient content, but whether grown organically or conventionally, the foods are really similar in vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates,” says McManus.

According to USDA data, organic food has less pesticide residue than conventionally grown produce. But the quantities for both types of products are within the level for safe consumption. And it is not clear whether the pesticides used in organic agriculture are safer than the non-synthetic pesticides used in conventional agriculture. “The verdict on pesticides and fertilizers is not yet known in terms of the long-term impact on health. There are many other variables in the environment. It is difficult to say that it is the pesticide in the peach that was the main cause of a problem. health related problem, “says McManus.

Similarly, we do not yet have enough information to know whether the lack of hormones and antibiotics in organic animal products makes them healthier than conventional animal products.

Should you buy it?

McManus says he doesn’t recommend organic food to people, but will talk to them if they are concerned about pesticides. “Right now, after looking at the data, I don’t see any nutritional reason to choose organic over conventional foods,” he says.

If you want to go organic, you will probably notice a higher price on many items, 10-50% more than conventional foods.

How do you make the decision to go organic? “Usually it’s people who are concerned about what goes into food production and who can afford to go organic,” says McManus. Some people intuitively feel that foods with synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, and trace amounts of hormones and antibiotics, are likely to have adverse health effects, even if that has not been proven. And some people choose organic foods not for health reasons, but because they think they taste better.

Make the switch to organic food


Where would you start if you wanted to go organic? “Produce,” says registered dietitian Kathy McManus, director of the Department of Nutrition at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Try buying organic versions of the foods on the Dirty Dozen list, which is published each year by the Environmental Working Group (EWG). The list shows the USDA findings on conventionally grown foods most likely to contain pesticide residues. This year’s list includes apples, celery, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, grapes, nectarines, peaches, potatoes, peas, spinach, strawberries, and bell peppers.

Produces with thicker skins tend to have less pesticide residues, because the thick skins or skins protect the inside of the fruit or vegetable. Remove the skin or peel, and you will be removing much of the residue. The EWG also publishes a list of those foods, called Clean 15. On this year’s list: asparagus, avocados, cabbage, cantaloupe, cauliflower, eggplant, grapefruit, kiwi, mangoes, onions, papayas, pineapples, sweet corn, sweet peas and sweet potatoes.

Image: iStock

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